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Up at Beginner's Farm [CHANGEOVER!]


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U mean the muck or the grass?

Muck: I have used potting soil with some saw dust

grass: I have used some carpet that i found at my place, normaly xwe used it for laying in front of the swimmingpoll put u have token some of that.

It is just a little carpet with same fake grass on it

It is cool but not so good for the tractors, if u drive witrh the grass no problem but if u drive against the grass then all the grass is stuck in ur tractor so...But it looks very cool!

Normaly the grass was 5cm high but ive been cutting it, what was a lote of work but it looks better and it is better for the tractors :D

i hope you understand it becaeuse i don't know the real translating of the words but oh i think you will know what i mean :P

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Now the rest of the pics :P

Like i've told u sorry for the bad pics...

First the camion is bringing some earth to fill up the hols in the ground xD


The manitou, merlo, renault and claas trailer are cleaning up the mess they made when they were hacksling the forest in to pieces xD

On the back the claas with bucket getting some grain for the cows xD


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the claas with bucket and trailer full of grain getting in to the lane for feeding the  cows


everything nice stored up


So that was it for today, i hope i can make some more pictures.Like u can see i have a new model xD

I'm so happy but for ur guys its nothing but oh i got the fendt 930 xD

Maybe next time feeding the cows +++

Thanks for watching!!

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm back, unfortunately not with an update...I'm busy with exams, some people will know this :P

But oh well, i don't leave my free time for it so certainly not my Farm!

So, i have AGAIN some questions,...

I removed all my fencing, becaeuse i didn't like it.

As you can see, it was some easy stuff and it wasn't conformid into to ground,

so thats what i wanne to do, conform it into the ground, but what can i use for fencing?

what sort of pales and iron wire, or just wire or maybe some other stuff u have in your minds??

Thanks anyway!!


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sorry been busy working so not got on as much!!

for wooden stakes, just use small dowels, drill a small hole in and use some piano wire maybe for the wire??, not tried it yet but i'm sure Blake, Mark and a few others etc. have and can help? :-\, that whould look good, kinda like what you have already

you could also try just wooden posts with thin strips as well and then wire for the top section???

somebody else will help i'm sure!

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Thx but,

Sorry for my bad english, i don't understand what u guys mean, just a bit. And my translater won't translate,...


maybe you guys can explain me step by step, with some pictures or anuthing like that? :'(

Sorry again :-\

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I think your parents are very sensible, as collecting can become very expensive.  When I was a child, after the War, toys were extremely expensive and not many were available so I was brought up with the same regime.  If I wanted something badly enough I would save for it.

Better to start with a little and build up your collection slowly and you will appreciate it all the more.  Every new piece will give you pleasure (and us too)

I have to agree. When you buy it yourself you enjoy it more. For being 13 you sure have some talent. Cant wait to see more.

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Thx guys!

Thius helps me a lot!!

My dad said i can't get on the big attic but my borther will be off in september so!! ;D

And if he don't my dad want's to renovate the attic!! ;D

It will take some time, but i'm happy!


Thx, i alsow got those skewers but they are only 3mm so they brake fast, i'm gonne buy some more from 6mm then!! ;D

Thx! :D

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