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Crop Production


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Marky's topic on Silage virgins got me to thinking about the arable side of things. The cowkeepers have had their say, now it is the turn of the dirtscratchers  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

When I was last in the business if you wanted to grow cereals you just chucked on 3 bags to the acre of 20:10:10 in the autumn and then another bag and a half of Nitram (34%N) in the spring, sprayed it with MCPA for broad leaved weeds and then maybe a fungicide for Rust.

Is that still the way to do it or have things changed and become more scientific?

The dioramas have to be realistic so we need to know  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


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Hope this helps;

i'll use a field from this season as an example(there will always be variations but not vast)

1st Wheat after Oilseed Rape


Cultivations after combine:1 pass 9620 and 6m Tine master+6.6m Simba DD press.

Sprayed with Glysophate(roundup) 1/2ltr per ha

Drilling:pre drill 1 pass with Vaderstad Carrier, Then drilled with 8m vaderstad Rapid on 8520, then cambridged rolled.

1) Pre emergance sprayed with Trooper(flufenacet+pendimthalin)residule herbicide for control of black grass other grasses and broad leave weeds + Trifluralin also residule herbicide.

2) 2nd spray Markate(insecticide)Diflanil(herbicide for broad leave weeds) and MnSo4(Manganese sulphate)for Manganese deficancey

3) Then spring spraying: Hive(chlormequat)growth regulator,Centaur(fungicide)for rust control and MnSo4

4)T1 spray:Ceando(fungicide)Joules(fungicide)Gal Gone(herbicide for blw)Finish(herbicide blw)Warrant(herbicide)(wild oats/grass weeds)and Crop oil(adjuvant/wetter)

5)T2 spray:Envoy(fungicide)Joules(fungicide)Opus(fungicide)Cerone(growth regulator)

Fertilizer:250kg/ha P+K(compuond granules)

            60kg/ha Ammonium Sulphate(granules)

            200kg/ha Ammonium Nitrate(liquid)

Think thats all any questions i'll be happy to help.

If it was a milling wheat like Hereward or Solstice we would also do a T3 spray on the ear.

There was extra herbicide this season as it was a dru autumn some of the residules didn't work as well as normal and we had a big flush of weeds in the spring.

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I'll have go for you Denis. :)

There are so many variables it's hard to know were to start,these are a few comman things a grower will consider......

- Past cropping history,what did the land grow last year and what will the land be growing in the next 2 years time.This important because almost every crop will grow beter and have less disease pressure if a crop from a different family was grown the year before EG:a cereal crop after a root crop.

-Market demand,take sugar beet for example there is no point in growing any more than is necessary to fill your quota because the market for extra beet is very limited and poorer paying.So before the drill comes out in the spring the grower must try too work out what a picturaler paddock will yield if it's on his best land he may only plant one paddock that he knows has grown good beet in past years in order to stay within his quota.

-Soil condition,As each crop has a different root system,the soil will need to be adjusted to suit the crop.EG:Onions are a shallow rooted crop that like a very fine top soil were as wheat will handle clods beter and likes to put down deep roots.

-Soil fertility,This is a real science.Each crop seems to have a it's own pet hates so blends of NPK and trace elements need to be tailored to the crops requirements.EG:if you put to much nitrogen on oats they will grow to much leaf/steam and the plant will not be able to support it's self and will lodge (fall over)

Spraying,Is a juggling act between spraying the crop with enough chemical to control the problem with out putting on to much and wasting money.Chemicals have there own family's if you keep spraying the same family on the same pest in time it will be immune to the spray and will no longer be controlled so sprays are used in a rotation much like the gr owning of the crops themselves.

-Tillage,This is often always what the farmer prefers more than anything else.Due to a beter understanding of the effect ploughing has on the soil and the high cost of diesel it's now comman pratice to sow some crops with as little soil movement as can got away with EG:OSR doesn't mind being direct drilled into the stubble of the last crop provided the land is not compacted.


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ol has pretty much summed it up there, i know i always struggled to understand the full set of rules so to speak, it can have so many deciding factors to what goes on there it gets mind boggling at times :D i was much happier just driving the tractors and leaving that to my uncles to sort out

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thanks light land  ;) but after all this is robbos topic :)

Although I started it you can blame/thank Marky for the idea with his silage topic  ;D ;D ;D There is a wealth of knowledge and experience on forums like this and as the advert says "its good to talk" , and even better..... its free  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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An example....

From potatoes to "Savannah" wheat 2008.

-A large mod of sheep graze the paddock for 2 days to clean up around the fence lines and eat a few of the small potatoes left by the harvestor.

-Disc harrow the paddock 6 inch deep the same way as the old potatoe rows.

-A mix of fine Lime and RPR (reactive phosphate rock)is spread on the paddock @1T/ha to maintain the level of phosphate and the soils PH.(we call this the "base fert")

-Sub soil the headlands (due to dry weather at harvest only the headlands were tight enough to need deep sub soiling,Sub soiling is also a slow job 4ha/hr and uses alot of diesel so only the bits that really need it are done)

-Disc harrow the paddock 4 inch deep to cut up the tops abit more and smooth the old rows out on a slight angle from the last pass.

-Shallow cultivation with "S" tines and a coil packer to tidy up any ridges left from the discing and pack the soil down ready for the drill.

-Disc drill drilled the paddock straight up and down and sowed the untreated wheat seed @100kg/ha.(untreated seed after a root crop has more vigour than treated seed)

-Pre emergence spray of Trifluralin to keep the weeds at bay over winter (rate ?? not my job spraying)

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