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Raking, baling and loading


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Again some raking of the dikes by the sea, another part this time. The farmer raked the biggest part on his own with his Fendt 306 and Claas rake. We did the rest with our 2650 and Vicon rake.




The 2650.




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2 little boats :P



Raking some swaths out of the way so the baler could get cleaned without mixing up the diffrent races of the grass seed.



Then I had to load some bales with the Manitou, I was on my own so I had to do everything myself. My boss dropped me off at the farm of the farmer the bales belong to. There I picked up the 6290 and parked it in the field, then I got picked up again and I could go and grab the Manitou from our farm. Was actually the first time I drove a Ferguson.


6290, ofcoure I put on another 6 bales.


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When the trailer was loaded I brought it back to the farm and took this fat ass tractor with me :P I was a bit surprised of how good it could handle the big load of hay.



On the way home I ran into another farming that was harvesting his grass seed.



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Another set of really nice pictures.

Good to see all the land being used. In this country the banks would be mown, at tax payers expence , twice a year but otherwise unused.


In this stupid country, you'd probably be arrested for theft if you cut the grass verges and baled the grass, regardless of saving the local council the expense of cutting it. Maybe it's not such a good idea here though because of the crap that gets thrown on the verges..........bed springs, dead cats, used nappies and old tyres.  >:(
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