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Packomat Drill

Phil P

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Guest Fendt pwr

I have worked for a guy that in the past has used that kvernenland plough/seeder.He said that it made a hell of a mess in his clay soil because the press on the side could not push the soil down enough to make it flat.Afther seeding with that unit it was very rough and hard on the sprayer and fert spreader.It's mainly ment to be used on sand or peat soils were there are not large clods to work down.

Also one down side to that unit my boss told me was you got very little done because you had to refill the hopper and and since you can't plough too wide with it you end up being out there for a bit longer just to get to the other side of the field.

Any other members had the same problems with them?

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seen a few people have one on demo but like you said it's time consuming & the field sizes  here don't lend themselves to this type of machinery. i dare say that by the time you've finished a field  it could of been ploughed drilled a few times over using conventional methods.

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if you get it right it would be 1 ploughing & 1 combination drill, job done!

the field conditions would have to be right as well so that the tractor revs don't die or wheel slip doesn't hinder the performance or seed rates of the drill.

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Could be usefull that but i would want it lareger 6 furrows or so

I would imagine that's in the palnning especiallyas they supply 12 furrow plow/press combination, the stubling block would surely be the seed hopper as there is a limit to the weigh you could put at the front of the tractor plus for big field you would almost have to refill at each headland turn, especially some of the fields near our old, which were pushing 3/4 of a mile.

I did read on the testimonial that it worked well in wet conditions but I would agree that the farm in question must have been on thin sandy soil. I can only imagine from experience what it would be like in heavy clay.

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fair piece of kit but i think it would be slow compaired to say a 5 furrow plough and a 4 meter combi.. ?and i guess teligraph poles would be a pain .... i have a challange for them.. we have a silage field 26 acres and it has 68 trees in it ?.. it took me 2 and a half days with my 6 furrow to plough .. and a wing mirror...must be only a cardboard set up as it has a fergie pulling it ?ha ha sorry

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