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Well been looking around for a farm job for a while now, but not yet having a tractor test really put a dampner on things. Im 16 24 of this month so just to late for havest. Well on monday  me and dad just walked out in to a field to watch them combining, we no the farmer well and is a good freind. I had a ride on the combine and he told dad to go and get there brand new jd6930s that was accros the feild as he needed to empty and he only had one corn carter between 2 tractors. Anyway cut along story short the asked Dad if he could help out with the havest corn carting. Dad said yes so he has now got a job with them for havest. I just said dont spose you have anything i can do and they said yes providing  i have my tractor test i can start in mid september when they start spuding :D But i get to drive the tractors to the road when then start combining again (friday hopefully) because they said dad can then take that tractor to unload while i unload the combine again with the other trailer/tractor. When dad gets back he takes the loaded trailer and i unload the combine with the empty one. If you get what i mean, so basicly i get corn cart  :D :D :D Athought no up the road  :D :D. May sound a bit boring to people on here that have been working on a farm for a long time but being as i never have im really excited and nervours with a brand new 08  :D 6930s to look after :o :o :o. Pics when we start again ;):)

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sounds like you got a good head start tractor wise!!!

I started on a MF 135 and progressed my way up.

I can still remember my first day driving a tractor, such a great buz and i still get a buzz driving them 14 years on  :o

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sounds like you got a good head start tractor wise!!!

I started on a MF 135 and progressed my way up.

I can still remember my first day driving a tractor, such a great buz and i still get a buzz driving them 14 years on  :o

that buzz is a noise called a hydrallic hose trailin on the road  :P

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Good lad Adam, you'll enjoy that. You get the best bit anyway, no ignorant car drivers to deal with nor will you be responsible for punting the trailer through the grain store roof.... or maybe that's just me...?  ;)

Just don't rip the unloading auger off the combine.... or maybe that's also just me  ???  :D :D

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Sounds like your going to be busy adam,

I wish i had the same cahnce you did before i had my licences, i would be in a tractor fulltime if i did, Very few guys over here will even let you look at there tractors without the liceneces

Im glad to here some one that wants to is getting there break, i hate seeing guys who do it just as job and do it badly when there is some one that wants to do it but isnt aloud becouse they dont have the licence

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Youa re in the same situation I was.

I turned 16 ( a few years ago ) 9 to be exact on the 8th or august so I could only book my test then. I didn't have it till well into sept so I didn't get any realt work for a  while.

Well done on your new job and look after the new 6930.

I know it is boring but stay safe mate. Accidents happen when we get a bit relaxed.

All the best  ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Thanks guys for all the nice comments. I have driven older tractors 165, 135 andi dove a nh 6030 (would it be 6030 not up on nh) But that was just around not acctually working with it. So really this will be the first proper Moden driving.

Thanks Jez and it isnt boring its fact, tractors etc can be very dangorus, i will go carfull thanks for thinking of my saftey means alot  ;)

Nothing to do today tho as its bucketing down :) :)

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