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Hi, i'm a small time collector of farming stuff, but farming born and bred and a complete petrol (or deisel) head. Played with trucks, trains, steam, buses, farm stuff and motorbikes, both models and the real thing. If i ever manage to sort out my photos i'll prolly have something to keep everyone happy (but mostly older stuff)

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Thanks for the welcome folks, and to answer your questions in no particular order:- Pics might be a while cos were right in the middle of the Manx Grand Prix over here (guess were i live then ::) ) Found this lovely site whilst searching for a particular model for a retirement present (q picture if i've got it right)

At the moment i am tractorless, gave a lot of stuff to my nephew when we moved so am building up my bike models at the moment, then i think i will looking at an old Massey 135, and maybe an old IH baler to go with it. Prolly look for stuff i grew up with basically :) before i start forgeting stuff (who am i again?)


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