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TM190's Machinery Pics


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8) 8) 8)  nice massey,s, wonderful tractors. The 255 from my work is nothing compare with this.

Nice pic,s!  ;D ;D

some good pictures there  ;)

good attempt for a first ploughing session mate, looks better than mine did thats for sure, and markys saying that :D :D :D,

Thanks Lads :) :)

I was pretty happy with the results seeing as its our first time  :)

Maybe not up to some of your standards...

Yet!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D:D :D

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i take it they will teach you all the setting up ect for the ploughs?? used to take my uncle a good 2 or 3 hrs to get the 5f dodswell all set up right,

Well i think we only got told the basics on how too set the furrows level on a convetional and revesable plough.. That was it really 10min.

But maybe we'll get into the more difficult stuff later, im not sure  :-\ :-\

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nice pics blake :o a right wee line up of tidy gear there!

thanks for sharing. so how is greenmount ??? any good ???

So far so good mate, Really gald i got in and went to it. If i think about it i've actually learned quite a lot of use full stuff, unlike school  :D :D :D :D ::) ::)

Nice, well done blake, ploughing is not easy, okay i plough with a run round so harder work in a way as all manual ajusments etcc, necer ploughed with a revesiable :) :) :) :)

Thanks Mate, I have to say, It was harder than i thought, but we got there  ;) ;)

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So far so good mate, Really gald i got in and went to it. If i think about it i've actually learned quite a lot of use full stuff, unlike school  :D :D :D :D ::) ::)

Thanks Mate, I have to say, It was harder than i thought, but we got there  ;) ;)

same here , ive learnt loads in the last 4 weeks ,and its a lot more laid back than school i think  :-\ ;):)

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same here , ive learnt loads in the last 4 weeks ,and its a lot more laid back than school i think  :-\ ;):)

Eaxactly the same over here, Its great  ;):) :)

excellent pictures and nice ploughing  :P :P :P

you suredo looklike you have fun up at your collage and got some nice kit aswell  ;) ;) ;)

how do you dicide who gets the 7475 i would have thought every one would wantit or doyou takeit in turns

We all get turns if we want them  ;) ;) Although there was only 8 of us out ploughing so 2 in each tractor, keep swaping over. It worked ok  ;) ;) :) :)

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Cracking pics buddy... many thanks for sharing... ploughing looks world class to what I've seen over my shoulder before  ;):D :D

I'm really enjoying this topic.. so more more more please  ;D and keep up the good work...

Oh... one more thing... now be HONEST... what do you reckon to the 5445 mate ???

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Cracking pics buddy... many thanks for sharing... ploughing looks world class to what I've seen over my shoulder before  ;):D :D

I'm really enjoying this topic.. so more more more please  ;D and keep up the good work...

Oh... one more thing... now be HONEST... what do you reckon to the 5445 mate ???

Dont worry Marky, plenty of time left for more pics  ;D ;D anytime we are out working with tractors i'll try and always get a few  ;) ;) :)

For the 5445, Its not a bad little tractor. Weights needed for front very bouny on road with plough. Bit slow on road as well actually  :-\ :-\ :-\

It has the manual gearbox compared to the Dyna and i have to say im about 50 50 on them  :-\ :-\ No one else would drive the 6460 because of the Dyna 6, They all call it the Dyna Sh!te  ::) ::)

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