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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Where also glad to meet Peter(Britains Fan) I where a bit a shamed that i didnt regonise him But some one told me that it where his own fauld because he didnt whear his BritainsFan shirt Glad to meat also other members of FTF and of course Andy!
  2. Autodrome showed a prototype model in Zwolle of the MF 1150! Had a chat whit Aalt (the man behind Autodrome) and i totaly forgot to make photo´s But if some one has the photo´s please don´t wait whit posting them here!
  3. In Zwolle i bought: Martin Reeve´s MF 1080 4wd and MF 165 Thanks Martin for the realy beautyfull models And also Thanks to David form DBPmodels to trade the MF 390 2 wd for a good one also nice to talk to you! and many many thanks for the service (cant be said enough!) An ERTL MF 2805 from ERTL scale 1:20 A UH lemken front press 2x Britains MF 6180 cab and bonnet whit grill and exhaust for only 2 euro! Also a book And i have got a great magazine from Mark Chanel thanks for that gift mate
  4. The picture above is made in a MF cab! and some advertisment for FTF! that where it for me this
  5. No Problem Wil had a talk whit you at youre stand so not a problem mate
  6. Niels his new combination A fantasy model from the stand next to our stand!
  7. Paul Ogier and his wife Sandra in front the Dio from Niels! Our stand The dioram that Niels has build (Thanks for putting my 4255 for the mower mate ) Proto type Deuzt from Paul And a Steyr Ursus and a Case (and Niels van Eekelen at the background!)
  8. Wel First the man how i dearly respect! Mark Channel (glad to meet you mate ) Some models from a friend of mine (Paul Ogier) Torpedo and a Eicher Fendt 626 and Marshal And then some models from my neighbour (stand next to mine)
  9. wil upload some photo´s that i made in a few minuts then i post them here! There are not that much picture´s that ive made but one is special (Mark know´s i think )
  10. For me definatly the MF 3000 serie´s! The MF 3080 is my favorit because i have spent many hours on my uncle´s MF3080! (first tractor i everdrove) And what an experience to drive those 3000!
  11. Great looking tractor mate Youve got the proportions spot on!
  12. Wel marky i think i place a big lock on all my massey convo´s then Hope to talk to you there mate as Niels said Stand nr 46 47 mate! You walk in and you go the second line in and right around the corner you find me and Niels! Greatings Johny
  13. The problem whit that is that everybody needs to leave there stand! And Niels is also a member here so that would be a problem! Maybe some one can get by to make photo's by our stand then the people over here get a face behind our nick name's Greatings Johny
  14. Stil hope to talk whit many members from this forum! I have stand NR 45 and Niels has NR46
  15. Don´t know anything about IH but i think it looks already good mate
  16. Thanks for the nice reply´s lads The website from Pieter is is:http://www.pieterhdijkstra.nl/
  17. Thanks for the nice reply´s lads Orderd the wheels bij PH Dijkstra The rims and engine and all of that are going to be spraypainted indeed
  18. Well after i had build the MF 2725 Electronic i thougt thos UH Arion wheels wil also look good on a MF 3690! So i had a 3680 from Britains on floats and i already put another cab and cabplatform on that model from the ROS MF 3050. I already cut of the old Britains frontaxle. Hope i can adjust the new frontaxle tomorow on my work. here the result so far. This is what i want to do whit the model. Adjust the front gril whit headlights and the grooves in the gril. Make a interior to the cab Maybe a PMA32 hitch add glas to the cab and mirors And some more points that i forgot
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