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Posts posted by smithy

  1. Took a call from Goody last week ,as i am limited on what i can do at moment he said he got a large collection of brocures to pick up in the spalding area so if he picked me up would i like to ride up with him on saturday to get them and also we could pop in for the first half of the M&M Auction and then go on to pick up his brocures ,had a few bids on items which someone went one more on but did get these 2 items .My granddaughter Grace (14) likes building things including flat packed furniture so i have given them to her to have a go at 😃



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  2. My mate nipped up farm yesterday to help out ,he had welded this together a few weeks back so gave it a first coat of paint will give it a 2nd coat one day next week ,the bar is going along the bottom as a ware edge ,it was this bit that i dropped on my left foot ,on the lookout for a thick bit of rubber to put along bottom behind that front edge . As for me i had abusy day sitting in armchair in barn eating jaffa cakes and drinking coffee watching my mate 🤣😂👍




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  3. 1 hour ago, SirTainly said:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery! 

    I dropped a can of household polish on my toe, which split the nail underneath so kept pieceing the nailbed and causing it to bleed for months - took over a year for the nail to fully grow out - hopefully you recover quicker than I do!

    They are saying 6-8 weeks for bone to heal ,not sure how long it will take for skin to grow back ,allow the steel missed my nail they say it will come off due to shock 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

    does that also mean no tractor work as well then smithy ?? 

    Yes at the moment as cant safely push clutch pedal down ,i can cheat in tractor as i could push it down with other foot to activate the gearbox because its all on a shuttle lever under steering wheel for forward or backwards and a button for gears but if i needed clutch in a emergency i would have a job to push it down at the same time as braking with right leg . Nurse said today if i had a automatic car i would be ok as only need right leg    

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  5. 2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

    ouch smithy, just got the freedom back after the step daughter was ok’d to drive after she dod here a few weeks back(5 now) ,spent most of it doing school runs, dancing lessons, birthday partys, the list was long and time was short. have they stopped you driving then ??

    Did not say about driving but said go home and rest it for a few days and keep it clean as with the big bit of skin they took of it was more likely to get a infection , got a nurse going to dress it friday morning . I did drive home last night but had hell of a job pushing clutch pedal down . My mate broke his leg last year but because it was his left one they said he could drive a automatic as only needed right leg ,but no he could not drive a manual car for 8-10 weeks   

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  6. 5 hours ago, fordmajor said:

    Get yasell doon to A&E


    6 hours ago, Paul Palmer said:
    7 hours ago, Jack390 said:


    Hope it gets better quickly

    6 hours ago, justy 46 said:

    That looks nasty... 

    been up A&E about 5hrs , broken big toe ,bad bruising , got a special shoe on to take pressure of my toes . there was a big blister on toe which they have cut off ,it was under pressure as blood shot out , got to have it redressed on friday  .


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