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Posts posted by smithy

  1. On 1/29/2023 at 9:25 PM, Valley Axe Man said:

    Good to catch up with you today Smithy, best not leave it as long next time 👍

    It was good to see you and jmd and that little fella 😂 in your group ,he did not seem dodgy to me haha. I hope you had a smooth drive back home . My day was 22hrs long in the end ,i now i said i was going to leave here at 3am well i got woken up at 11.30pm on the Saturday evening so i just got dressed and had left before midnight as if i had gone back to sleep i might have missed alarm ,anyway with a slight diversion on A12 because of road works it was a straight run down there hence why i went past turning of A303 for the venue as i was aware that a few more miles down the road at sparkford there is a 24hrs Mcdonalds so i pulled in there had a coffee then at 6am they do the breakfast rolls so had one of them and another coffee ,apart from the 3 staff i was only one in there till about 7ish .Anyway was a really good day at the show and i left a few minutes after you ,i had good run all way back to M25 apart from the rain ,as soon as on m25 we was going at 20mph as every few miles there was broken down vehicles in the lanes ,did not get back up to speed till well past Heathrow anyway rest of drive back was ok and after a 20minute break on A12 i got home about 9.30ish , should have been 7.30-8pm ,anyway was a good day out . I have some photos to upload on here but now got to nip off to a training course so will try and do them bit later on   

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  2. 17 minutes ago, trigger82 said:

    So you have some I never seen any before.  

    Yes i have some britains ones in my collection ,not sure what shed i have them stored in ,some of them are on here as there is a carrier bag post ,cant remember what section it is in at moment ,using my phone to post this and cant find the link 

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  3. One of the cab shock-absorber's on Puma been weeping so took both off to replace ,got 2 bits of wood in and knocked a metal wedge in to lift cab and get weight of shocks to get bolts out ,to fit new ones i had to get a bit of box metal and slide in box at bottom of cab and get a hydraulic jack with a long bit of wood on top to push cab up a bit higher . The 2 spanners with old shock is what mechanic at Does has lent me as there is 4 settings on shocks and need them to turn onto setting that you need    




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  4. On 1/19/2023 at 7:22 PM, Gav836 said:

    To look at it another way, why should traders be expected to subsidise diorama exhibitors as their table price would have to go up to cover the money lost on free diorama tables. Further to that if a shows allocation of trader spaces is full and more want to come why would you utilise what could be paying floor space for free tables if a show is being run for a profit. 
    As already stated Spalding has always been very much a traders show not a diorama show. If you go back far enough it wasn’t just for model tractors either. 

    There used to be a IFOR WILLIAMS trailer loaded up of all sorts of spares ,mainly plough spares at one time 

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  5. On 1/14/2023 at 8:16 AM, Jack390 said:

    Thanks, it is a good model(from modelfarmer.co.uk) but I’ve found their service to be not as great the past year or so… I know people who’d paid for items and hadn’t received them over a a year later. Not good at all 🙁.

    A lot of people paid for items and never got them ,its a long story and i dont really want to say it all on this open forum ,allow i think Robbo put a warning up a long time back 

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