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Posts posted by smithy

  1. Granddaughter Jasmine enjoyed driving on the last road run so when we heard that the Blue force ploughing day had been cancelled because of the hard ground and was going to do a road run she said can we do it ,so she spent a few hrs cleaning her tractor . we set of the other foggy sunday morning and got to next village where we had arranged to meet up with a few mates of mine and go in convoy to the event     




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  2. On 9/12/2022 at 9:42 PM, Jack390 said:

    Hi all, here’s a pheasant feeder I made a few days ago, it’s to go on my display that I’ve recently built for toytrac 2022


    Yours look good ,this is one of mine that we use around the farm , i dont have a shoot but we just feed them in the winter months 


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  3. Jasmine at 16 years old past her tractor driving test a few weeks ago and was keen to do a road-run , anyway PDC (Paul capon) talked us into doing this one with him in aid of St .Elizabeth Hospice . It was being run over at Waldringfield over side of Ipswich to us ,anyway i drove the MXM120 over there with Jasmine as passenger ,took 1.5hrs to get there ,once there Jasmine took over driving around the 25 mile route while i was passenger ,some was on main roads some was on back roads and a good hr of it was across farm tracks down near Felixstowe , was a really good day out , stopped on a playing field at Kirton for lunch as the Kirton scouts/Guides was cooking lunch for us ,including the lunch break run took about 6hrs to complete then we had another 1.5hrs trip to get home ,so roughly a 9hr day for us .Used 59litres of fuel . After the run PDC unhitched his trailor and i brought it back home to mine as he is lending it to me for next month when i am going to hook up my Fordson Major to it and run a bride and bridesmaids to church ,just hoping its not raining . Think there was 35 tractors on the run 















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  4. Nipped over to dealers on monday and picked up filters and oils for my 2 case tractors then spent rest of the day and Tuesday and Wednesday, given them both a wash with a bucket of hot soapy water ,then a good polish over inside and outside then a good wax over on outside as well as filter changes and engine oil change on both of them ,granddaughter Jasmine come and helped on one of the days ,also took row-crops of the 135 and put the original wheels back on    




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  5. This conifer came down several weeks ago into my field from a garden ,the couple that live there are well into there eighty's and could not cut it up and they would have run my wheat down getting to it if they had a tree surgeon in so i cut around it and then went back with JCB it was still slightly attached at bottom but JCB was able to grab it and tear it away ,i loaded it up and brought home complete and put on my bonfire , if we was nearer Christmas i might have been able to sell it 😂  ,trailer is 26 feet and a good 10 to 15 feet hanging out the back ,only a 3 miles to run back home so chucked a strap over it and got back home  







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  6. 16 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

    How did the new toy go overall then smithy ? 

    Brilliant Sean ,cab is very good place to be everything at your finger tips , just set things as the book said and just tweak things as your going produced a clean sample from the start , harvest has been done early this year because of the dry weather but this TX63 gets over the acres . I did like the TX34 and wont run it down i did not plan on selling it but i am really pleased i invested a lot more ££££ into this TX63 and in a wet year it should be able to ****** the acres up on the dry days . The 34 had a few crease nipples that was awkward to get to but on the 63 they are all within easy reach so greasing up in mornings was more pleasant      

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