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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. cheers trissy nice to have some good comments from you all i will get some more done this week now
  2. now that,s a nice model we used to have one for zero grazing
  3. oh thought i was somting exiting for a minit ha
  4. maybe later in the week im playing with idears
  5. tell me more what you planning
  6. yer good idear that but i do need loads of room left in the car to bring all the new models home
  7. thanks timms yer only the renult is in the pit not sure if she,s staying yet though might build myself an jdd 8400 if i find time
  8. thanks mate yer it,s quite a central model can go off from either side to go bigger if im ever lucky enough to own a transit van to transport it to shows or if any one,s passing at the time
  9. renult 836 0n the buckrake mate got an idear for her too for rear linkage
  10. more updates as and when i get round to doing more
  11. thanks si well you all should see it a spaildings with a bit of luck cos i,ve made this one to fit in the bmw ha
  12. pics don,t do a lot for her to be honest but loads to do yet ive only just started it
  13. the two sisters busy at work
  14. here,s what ive been working on for a few weeks hopfully coming to spaldings show with me
  15. it,s egnogg :D come on mandy pull your self together it,s not real
  16. oh paul your full of idear,s mate bout time this was done
  17. im going for a pint with mx driver tonight if i can find his house that is
  18. fantastic always seems like years in between isues
  19. heavey frost for the second day running ...........slurry today i think
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