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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Very nice PDH, thanks for posting them. Time permitting would it be possible for you to post pictures of the whole series Thanks
  2. Absolutely stunning...............a true masterpiece in miniature :P
  3. Marky Ferguson the III that looks :o :o They certainly manage to cram in the details. As usual a little of the Marky humour thrown in as well.
  4. I agree you can never get tired of the goings on down on Ford Farm Great work Mark
  5. Looking good so far rabh please post up some more pics and keep us updated on the progress
  6. I seem to recall seeing that pigsty somewhere before. Racking my brains trying to remember where. They do look very nice though PR and will look great furnished with some lead figs
  7. Just flip the ends around as the middle bits look short already. maybe some tiny screw eyes linked together or ones made from thin wire and glued into drilled holes in the gate and fence.
  8. Looks good Kevin. See pic below, I would cut these 2 bits off as they may catch on the post you are joining it to. Or maybe the gate will stand higher than the post if not Maybe drill a hole in the one gate and put the wire catch through that ?
  9. Thanks for the list PDH, looks like a few sets I didn't know about. Going to have a scout round and see if I can get some of those now
  10. Oh get you being all posh Marky.......I thought you'd say something like it's a beer or a board game or what was whistling under your door :D Oh wait thats draught, sorry I'm American now I guess
  11. You only got a 1yr warranty? That's abit tight isn't it ??
  12. I think Udimore has them all. Hopefully he can verify whats what when he sees this.
  13. Was that not the one they brought out last year for Zwolle
  14. Thanks for the review Mart. Nice little write up there and a lovely wee tractor too
  15. I agree Mandy and with my trusty brush I make em look even better
  16. Usually a diorama is just a small slice of a said item.....ie. modeling just a tiny section of a field with maybe a tractor and a plow. A layout would be larger like the ones found one here. Carpet farming is just that, setting up all your gear on the carpet
  17. Stunning stunning stunning.........love the weight on the back, don't recall ever seeing one like that in 1/32 world either :P
  18. :o Wow great snaps richie. That overhead shot looks alomost real. Now if we could only get some of that wheat for our 1/32 fields
  19. More great pics Mike.......keep them coming. I see you have one of the new brushwood "econo line" sheds, how do they compare to the originals
  20. You've pulled another blinder there Sean, that does look wicked :P Can't wait to see it finished and 'Down on the farm'
  21. Very nice Marky thanks for posting up the info. (Sean fab mate looks awesome and I did wonder how long til we saw a yellow version )
  22. Verrrrrry nice wee nash. What a great layout, lots of detail and action going on there.
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