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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. L :o KS great OF, can't wait to see the milking parlour (have you started it yet?)
  2. Cheers Tris, just need to get some more animals as I have used all the paint worn ones. Can't bring myself to paint the ones that are in good nick. I enjoy painting but it does a number on your back I can tell you.
  3. Tris are you staining those boards? You may find the stain takes different to where the glue is if you are. Looking good so far
  4. Looks good cj, nice to have a bit of space for your layout eh
  5. Amazing Tris no simple gable roof for your farm then eh? Looks great
  6. The Limousin is no more under went a transformation last night. Quite pleased with the results as well
  7. I think that is the same weather system that just passed through here Tim. Yesterday was bl00dy freezing. Only 6 celcius
  8. Excellent pics again Tim.........we are still having this miserable rainy weather here too, supposed to carry on till Tuesday
  9. Aye no problem, may have some other livestock depending on what you need for the farm as well.
  10. I think I have a couple extra sets of the geese and some chickens if you want some Tris
  11. They come up to waist height on the Britains farmer. I thought that was a little high
  12. That is interesting, I thought it would be the other way round as they'll sue some over here if look at them wrong
  13. Rarest of all the Britains dogs. The huskies (complete set) from the Artic explorer series. I think I have seen them about 3 times on ebay (in the last five years). I got these as they were listed wrong :)
  14. Tally Ho The two unridden horses are conversions of the lead horse moulds
  15. Plastic cows from the lead mould and a rare plastic Ayrshire bull
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