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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Aye that's all well and good but don't have a heart attack in the US. They don't have a healthcare system like the UK or Canada (however poor we may think ours is) Without insurance it could set you back $100,000.00. Some states only pay 6% sales tax.
  2. DOH !!! I 've seen that For some reason I was thinking of something else. The Jag with the silage trailer attached to it. There was a pic on here but I can't find it (anyway it's not trailed so no bother).
  3. Well the other one then (not my fault, wouldn't be seen dead in the south) :D
  4. Nice forklift Marky although it's a bit excessive isn't it for someone with a barrow down camden market ??? :D :D :D
  5. Very nice.....bet Marky would only give you a schilling for it though. :D
  6. I see where Marky is coming from and also where SPN is coming from. It's all well and good having 5 combines on the shelf with the potentional of ?15 profit on each, but if people aren't buying them there is no profit at all and you are still paying to store them. It also depends on what you are selling, my mum sells seafood and there for has to have a quick turnover rate as it would spoil but she also needs to make a profit....it is all a balancing act
  7. I'll start the ball rolling Happy Birthday Sven (The-classic-collector)
  8. Thought I would start a birthday thread as most seem to start one when it is their birthday. Just keep adding to it as and when your birthday arrives
  9. The rain as it lashed down all through my living room ceiling > > Anyone have an ark they can lend me
  10. Why would they do umbilical spreading over using a tanker ?
  11. Excellent OF, round of gates for the forum I think eh Lads?
  12. http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=6668.msg101244#msg101244 : :D :D
  13. Nice pics kentman.....bigger pics in future though please. It's like looking through a keyhole :D :D(not that I'd know as I don't do that of course)
  14. Thanks for the young Ten ton Tess sitting behind me moaning away.........I know you shouldn't hit girls but man I want to \
  15. I find it hard to believe the price difference between items sold over here and in Britain....The new balers for example $17 over here ?17 in UK ??? I just hope UH cracks the US market then I'll be all set, hopefully I'll nab that combine for $50 instead of ?50
  16. Blimey Marcus....I think you should be crowned as the Forums Blue Peter :D They look great, such a creative mind you have
  17. Have you taken leave of your senses Nigel???
  18. Great job David.....love the dust effect
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