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Everything posted by 1972farming

  1. Thanks Powerstar ,I have got some siku wheels here kicking around .I may give it a try .
  2. All I have done at the moment Marky is add the dual wheels and dump the front linkage and added a siku rear linkage .I have also fitted the beacon and aerial .To be fair its quite a nice model in standard trim . I am building and selling as much as I can to save for this Motocrosser !
  3. Any ideas which style of weights would look best ,I have a spare JD Weight Block with the pin in it . Would that work ?
  4. Heres one of my latest buys off ebay . I can't seem to stop myself at the moment .
  5. Heres a Tim Fendt I have been messing about with . I have removed the dodgy front linkage ready to fit something more suitable and I have fitted a siku rear linkage .There will also be mirrors added later on .
  6. heres a picture of my latest mini-set purchase . I bought it a fortnight ago for ?75.00
  7. We have woken up to a lovely covering this morning . My lad will have the rolly JD 6400 out later towing cars out of hedges ! I expect theres plenty more snow around the rest of the country .
  8. I am affraid I haven't kept a track of all of them but its quite a few . In the workshop at the moment are 2 County 1884s ,2 Ford TW 20's,MF 135 with Duncan cab and MF 135 with 4 WD .
  9. the 7600 was finished and sold to udi ! I sold it before I had time to take photo of it .
  10. I am in the process of doing it so I will post up some progress pitures as and when I do it .
  11. I am glad you are pleased with your Masseys Marky . They were the first time I had tackled anything a bit out of the ordinary . I know where I can improve things a little bit here and there and may try to make a 175/178 or similar . I may build one with a duncan cab .
  12. yes tim body work on britains deutz chassis . not rocket science but quite effective . Theres a lot to do yet like beacons ,mirrors ,steps etc etc .
  13. Thanks for your kind comments ,I have been experimenting with another massey this evening .
  14. yes it was a nice find,I think it may have been put into the boxes with the models . If I remember I think it cost me ?16
  15. Unforunately its not dated but it must be pre-war to have the lorries in this design .
  16. heres another interesting old Britains catalogue/leaflet . I bought it on ebay from america last November .
  17. yes ,well spotted .The boxed stes on the catalogue look to be herald but some of the others are the plastic animals made from the lead moulds .Some interesting animals were made in this period .
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