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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. I think the weather put a lot of people off but they were lucky that the downpour didn't start until sunday night...at least they would have had plenty of tractors to tow people out
  2. I guess everyone missed the caption "Home made log splitter" :D It is on the side so that he can also tow a trailer and I guess if the log pile is at the side of the road you don't want to back up to them Bishop's Lydeard in Somerset
  3. If you are on dialup, go and have a nap and then come back Row croppers will love this one...still in use Different shades? Clearly related Home made log splitter
  4. Definitely, get the most sensitive film that you can, get as close as you can, use the smallest aperture setting that you can and hope for a full moon
  5. Sorry Rich, don't quite get that last sentence How'd you win ?20?
  6. Another of Marky's posts?!! Was it really that bad?! I guess i owe all my readers an apology :D Gleaner can have it's own thread
  7. I'm going to put a downer on it Mart I'm afraid, they won't look like the above, you'll have the same problem that I have in that your camera won't capture enough light to take shots for that short a length of time, at the high ISO settings compacts just come out with loads of black speckles (noise), the pictures will not be crisp at all. You'll have to take longer exposures if you want a decent image, so if you want clean shots of the machines you have to wait until they are still, else you'll go all arty and capture the light trails.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-32-Britains-Ertl-Ford-5000-Brand-New-In-Dealer-Box_W0QQitemZ250138532891QQihZ015QQcategoryZ117196QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Dealers? what dealers?
  9. Bishop's Lydeard, GWR line to minehead. They have a steam fair here as well, kind of the perfect location for that
  10. looking good, treat it to a new hydraulic ram
  11. A farm hedge row display : Waiting for JDC to come and tell us all about them
  12. We have a winner Zig Zag hill (part of the bendiest road in the Uk), is in the trees to the left nice new road surface up there as well now, bet there will be plently of accidents as people try it out
  13. A very high ISO, if it wasn't an SLR (400d), they'd be too noisey....cracking work Belarusfan
  14. Thanks Texas, it is mostly just luck with being there at the right time though, it was only a cheap camera, the key is the weather, very windy and the clouds move over very fast, five minutes later it was raining...but I like the point just before the rain, interesting light
  15. it does look like a neat bit of kit, like the rest of the kit you've posted, it seems well geared up for the task. OT, but apart from the fendt 9**, what other current tractors offer reverse drive?
  16. But where is it? I reckon one of you will know \
  17. I don't like greyish off white wheel centres on the Valtras, just seems cheap to me.
  18. keep up at the back it could be a Shire or a Carron (sp?) which were hydro conversions of the 5000 skid unit I'm tempted to put the TN75A axle on one, but the diff needs to be offset (ok, not the hardest thing to model) and the tire pattern is far too modern
  19. I was going to let him get away with that....hes a bit daft you see
  20. Oh dear, good job Ros are improving
  21. Red is the fastest colour, everyone knows that But we do have some grey ones
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