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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. I think you'll have to buy an STX to part out as at the moment, most keep their STXs and put tracks onto them and I'm guessing with exchange rates that would probably work out cheaper. Arctic customization isn't too common as the real things aren't found too often on european farms, although the newer STXs' are making headway. The same with the Big Roy, the model is a lot of money so disassembling one doesn't happen often (if at all). Isn't there a TJ series model in 1/32? would that have the wheels you are after?
  2. Any chance of a total height x width measurement for the tyres you still require, might be easier that way
  3. Is there much of a collectors market in the UK for machines this size? they don't really fit in a garage \ The second picture down looks like the axle is broken/missing....will it really be repaired?
  4. Kolpen, do you think 1/16 actual working hydraulics would ever be possible? I've no idea if valves and pumps exist at that scale, I just remember what I had on my lego pneumatics sets.
  5. I've saw a stx down there summer 2006
  6. Not very good at old sizes, but roughly 8mm by 24mm, so probably what you've got
  7. What size should the fronts be on the real tractor?...
  8. Not to mention no tramlines, you'd lose half your acreage if you put them in
  9. There seems to be quite a few of these knocking around the UK, at least six have been posted on here. How much do they cost and how fuel effiecent are they compared to modern machines?
  10. What are the real sizes meant to be? then we can work out a 1/32 scale size for those sizes
  11. Just to bump this as I have updated the first post, please get involved if you can and help
  12. Ah, busy time I see, nice photos, looks like a fine yoke if we all pretend we can see them, maybe this madness will end?
  13. Ford 8730 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ford-8730-Powershift-Tractor_W0QQitemZ330127712972QQihZ014QQcategoryZ92021QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Nuffield 60 in need of TLC http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Nuffield-60-Universal-Tractor-4DM-Model-Spares_W0QQitemZ290123653038QQihZ019QQcategoryZ11757QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Ford Major P6 Diesel....a bit rough http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fordson-Major-Tractor-with-P6-diesel-engine_W0QQitemZ330124941252QQihZ014QQcategoryZ11757QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Not a tractor but interesting....oppermen wheel strakes, come on scratch builders http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-Oppermen-Wheel-Strakes-to-fit-Fordson-Standard-N_W0QQitemZ200115118093QQihZ010QQcategoryZ11757QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. I've seen a foreign TS on Farmphoto with NH and Ford badging
  15. One of the best first posts (and indeed any post) I have ever seen, that is some high quality work
  16. http://www.nyaasmaskin.no/ Terrible front page but if you manage to navigate the site, there is a lot of good images in various places.
  17. What causes the grass to go like it has in the bottom left of the second picture Looks very symetrical
  18. I saw something on Farmphoto today which made me think; Can you still get any of the the modern main stream makes with a tricycle front end? If not, when was the last, the one on Farmphoto was a 1978 JD 4040.
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