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Posts posted by CMB

  1. Thanks for uploading this Tim, it's always great to see David Browns (or any classic tractors, personally) working together, especially in such an intimate(/cramped) setting. Surprising those two-wheel drive machines didn't struggle more going up the hill, and some of them ploughing quite deeply. Looks fairly wet too.

    Oh, and what is the ponderously slow cabbed DB with the narrow wheels?


  2. I was a bit late due to a long pub lunch, but I nipped over to Abbey Home Farm and Calmsden Farm, both north of Cirencester on the Stow road. At Abbey they were still doing trailer rides as I arrived, but had otherwise packed up for the day. I got a couple of photos though, primarily Massey Ferguson but a few blues I spotted en route which I'll post up elsewhere.

  3. i think your missing the point mrol,no matter who makes the model or toy,to release that with that awful hole in the cab needs shooting,mjb1 was saying ,i think,that the early britains bubble cab didnt have any holes,so why now twenty years on they release a cab with a hole?,thats not progress,particulary when there other releases are very very good,which gets back to what i was saying,consistancy please britains,tomy

    They did after I got my clumsy little mits on them ::)

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