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Posts posted by CMB

  1. When I arrived at work today at 5am (month end tax bookings always on the 3rd) I was pleased to see the drive in about to Halliburton House and the car parks had been cleared. However much to my annoyance the digger driver had blocked "my space" with snow :angry: Anyway it was still snowing and was bitterly cold so I had to opt for another side space. Around 6am I was at the printer which overlooks the lower car park and I saw it had been cleared so I decided to brave the storm and shift my car and return my camera etc because I could not download any photos on works PC for whatever reason I do not know....maybe I need to download the DVD I got with the camera to which I did do on my home laptop :huh:


    After that the day went well and I was able to get away at 1.30pm when i had done my hours....good to see it is now melting and was sunny but only around 4 degrees C

    Hmm I got a sense of déjà vu reading this Bill :unsure:

  2. its a village called merton,i go from where i live,horrabridge to tavistock to okehampton,then hatherleigh then meeth and where the farm is, is merton,all fields near base today,its about 32 miles one way from where i live,bit of a trip,but you couldnt wish to work for a better boss,and the money is good to,it is a lovely area tris

    I'm reading this green eyed, would have loved to be doing a bit of pasture rolling today (especially in Devon) ^-^8)

  3. And here I be, beside the A11 and parked up for the night. Had a cracking drive around Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk to collect three and deliver one tractor. Suffolk is a beautiful county, where my second collection caused as much of a surprise to other road users as it did to me to get where I did near Boxford. Even Essex saw me drop the air to get under a 12ft 9in bridge!

    Last of all was the 6610 at Brooke, although hand painted it did have a full set of brand new cab cladding.

    Tris why do you need to strap down tractor cabs?

  4. whilst walking round town today, there wa sa marque up for a "euro" food market and a collage / bussiness display/ event ,one of these was a series of fashion walks, with the music thumping away one started for a fancy dress shop, out comes snow white, followed by chewbacca, and a few other, then a ample young lady dressed in a heidi style outfit, as she dance round much to our amusment and a good few cheers to mind, she decided to "pop " out of the top of her outfit and belive me, we were all amazed it took that long, and that much effort to do it to , great way too make shopping more intresting mind

    give her praise mind, after 20 seconds in the back after running off, she was back on and finihsed the dance, all be it with one hand holding the top up, and looking very red faced

    A wardrobe malfunction, and no cameras to hand? Tsk..

  5. I just focus on the centre mark Chris, usually a good distance ahead of the tractor so I can allow for any side slopes or wiggles that need removing. I occassionally glance in a wing mirror to see what the join looks like to the previous bout or the rear view mirror to see there are no unusual marks behind me caused by jammed press wheels. There is no overlap as the drill runs 18 inches away from the previous bout.

    Thanks for the detail, I'll take an experts advice whenever I can! So 18 inches is the spacing between each row?

  6. I was hailed by a driver telling me my rear offside wheel was wobbling, and lo and behold it was (how I missed this I don't know). Got it back and jacked it up expecting to find the axle bearing loose, half-shaft bent or something similarly terrible. Neither seemed apparent so I tightened the nuts and decided to run it in to the local commercial garage, just to be sure. (Nothing). Turns out I solved the problem when I did up the nuts, so another wasted journey.

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