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Posts posted by CMB

  1. What pleased me....

    A call from the chap I carted for last year... "Hi Mark can you cart for me again this year.... in the next few days" ... it took me nano seconds to say yes...

    I've had to turn down an offer of a full harvest's worth of work (as I've not had the time, or a spare tractor.. and the maths just don't add up to hire one at this time of year).. so I was well chuffed to be able to do this little bit.  ;D

    Lexion 580 Terra Trac as well.. I'll have the same 14t Marston I had last year too  :-*  .. happy days

    So so jealous! Gotta get me a tractor..

  2. More Britains stuff natch:

    • Forage Harvester with the black spout and orange wheels (unboxed and a little damaged)
    • 60s driver with pipe in grey (minus pipe)
    • Sandersons forklift -later version- unboxed
    • Autoway signs/cones/workmen from set 9801
    • Unusual powerfarm Vicon with yellow centres and a white auger MIB dated 1988.
    • Red log trailer from #9627 Valmet set
    • Powerfarm Ford 8830 in average-poor (but working) condition
    • Faun Spud harvester MIMB (at last!)
    • Rare yellow Bauer from set 9605 (with the 2680) this one has black instead of red pipes/pump

  3. Unpacking and constructing a sofa bed. The man who delivered it was a bit hacked off after he ran his 7.5 tonne truck into the verge, breaking the just-repaired cab steps. He also managed to clip numerous low hanging boughs along our drive and was lucky not to collide with anything else. We tried to tell the sofa sellers that a 3-4 tonne van was required for our narrow steep lanes but they seem determined to send pallet delivery companies whose smallest vehicles are 7.5T gross ::) The guy said that when he complained to his boss, he was told that he can always go on the dole if he didn't like his working conditions! What an attitude.

  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130409983925&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT

    Britains Deutz DX110 Duals Tractor (ref 9530) 

    To me, in the third picture, the decals say DX 92? Does anyone else agree before I consult the seller?

    But looking at it, it looks a completly different model to the boxed one, i.e. no driver....

    Yes no question DX92. They might have simply uploaded the wrong photo, but yes, good idea to clarify.

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