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Posts posted by CMB

  1. Woke early and was going to clean up and fit an old 6 volt coil to my Farmall Cub then thought sod that even if its works alright it will not be painted and would look odd. Instead surfing the net and picked up a brand new 6 volt coil for £ 12 plus £ 4 delivery so should have that by Wednesday and should have time to get painted and fitted for the next show which is a week tomorrow.

    Bill I don't think I've seen any pictures of your tractors yet? :-\

  2. Bill might already have this, or, if not, I'm sure it's on his list. #9647 Same 170 Turbo, yellow Twose transport box and man. It arrived today having travelled from Barcelona (after spending several days in a tnt depot/van ::) ): 


    Tray a little tatty:


    And a crack in the rear window:


    But otherwise I'm pleased though it was quite dear at £62 including postage. It replaces my old Same 170.

  3. Some interesting responses here and useful advice to be heeded. I won't be flagging the driver down to ask permission, but I may at least try to catch their attention, gesture at my camera and wait for a response  :angel:

  4. What are people's thoughts on whether or not to seek permission from owners before posting pictures of their machinery on the internet? Do they worry about people sharing photos of their fleet at a time when so much machinery is being stolen? I know it's not always possible to ask but does anyone else feel uneasy doing this?

  5. You managed to put it together okay then, Chris ;)

    Tell you what, though - doesn't the little girl with the bucket look lovely in-front the stables :)

    Yes that was fun! :D Not easy with the kitten repeatedly attacking me, I shall have to create an exclusion zone around my models I think ::) .

    Yes I like the feed girl. I need one or two more stable hands, perhaps a base for (former) potato picker lady..

  6. thanks John... no I am no expert on industrials... but.. I THINK.. the industrial 65 was called the 65 (R or S)... (two gearboxes... one instant reverse (torque converter), they other standard gearbox)... the 165 was called the 3165 in the states... but here it was an MF3303 or 3305.  The 203, 203x and 205x were all 35 based machines I do believe - it's all very confusing... we had an MF40 and MF50 tractor too which was a hard nosed version of the 135 and 168/175 (A4.236)

    Mark this beaten up old thing was on the farm I volunteer at earlier this year, can you identify it? I guessed either a MF20 or MF40, but I know nothing about these:


  7. Tractorman810,

    Thanks for that. I keep coming across these trailers with broken hitches for sale for a couple of quid. I was thinking about cutting the goose neck of at its base and grafting on a normal draw bar. This will be a lot easier if the chassis is hollow.



    I sold a green one recently without the hitch, wish I'd kept hold of it for you sorry adie :-[

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