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Everything posted by CMB

  1. So Britains saving money again then? . Does anyone know either release dates/ production periods?
  2. I was poised to buy a Britains bale wrapper thinking there were several versions of the same model, until I discovered the other day that there are two makes (Volac and Kverneland) that look similar. Can a Britains expert tell me a little about these releases and which they think is the superior of the two? (craftsmanship, sale value etc) Thanks
  3. Excuse my ignorance, it's not my specialist subject!
  4. That's what I'm looking for, thanks lads!
  5. Would spring tines be sufficient to break stubble in softer soils?
  6. Please correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like its using a chisel plough? (best view in photo 4)
  7. I'm trying to secure small rectangular bales to my blue flatbed trailer. How does everyone hold together a large number on any trailer? (short of gluing a huge bundle together!). Is there a good match for farm twine or rope?
  8. Britains really need a website. I keep getting directed to Ertl, and I can't get anything out of them about Britains releases
  9. Thanks again. Is/was there an equivalent in real life, or would the rear link assembly be enough to lift it? (I've never seen a disc harrow being towed on the roads)
  10. Can I see a crop guide/pick-up auger from a 1978 NH baler?
  11. Right here's my chance to post my first picture: I call this my 'gold' 2680 and have hitherto been searching for a gold cab to match the wheel rims and grill surround. Can anyone tell me if this is this a limited release or just a or a natural fade? It can't be the result of direct sunlight as every part of the wheel is the same strength of gold, and the red plastic is not significantly lighter.No wheel melt either..
  12. Thanks Tam. Can anyone point me to an example of an adaptor in use, or perhaps post a picture?
  13. Ah this is probably the one I saw (and the one that got away). Thanks for this super example super6 BTW, what is that attachment on the back of the Fordson? Would it be of any use on a later 5000? .Chris
  14. Thanks everyone, this sounds really useful
  15. I only wish I printed it when it came up on Ebay! When I saw it (early 2008) I assumed it was in the factory colours of a re-release of the 60s original, but you've added to my suspicion that it was a just a respray/repainted 60's model.
  16. Can you see what attaches the drawbar to the body? Is it a spring or what?
  17. SceneryExpress.com is great. Is there a UK equivalent?
  18. When I received my Suton brush after winning it on Ebay I was a little annoyed to find a previous owner had glued the tow hitch to the body, as I had worked out you could have it in different positions. I had a look underneath, and there seems to be some circular retaining clip or spring missing. Does anyone know where I can get one of these (short of pirating a complete one) or what is the best alternative? I looked for some small washers in my local Travis Perkins then a plumbers supply shop, but nothing would fit ..
  19. Hi, Quirky, greetings from one newbie to another
  20. CMB

    New Member

    Thanks for the welcome guys! I'm in little ol' Stroud in Gloucestershire. I'll be spending what little time I have bothering anyone who's in the Britains room (though I'm a bit quiet so you may have to ask me to speak up!) So what are these model shows like? Are most sort of mini toy fairs with your usual agricultural sale going on next door?
  21. Hi, I'm Chris and this is my first post on the forum. I started collecting about age 5 in 1985, amassing a huge amount of vehicles, animals, barns, gates etc. Most were sold in a car boot sale for very little (I was naive and this was before internet auction sites) including a nice orange Fiat 90-90 DRW. I kept about 20. After viewing a few nice items on Ebay about 8 years ago I decided to buy a couple (including a r&b tedder), but stopped there. I've started up again this year when I saw the new releases (Ford 5000 etc). I'm now really into the vintage stuff, trying to get the tractors I wanted as a kid; models I would have wanted as a kid but wasn't aware of; and replacement parts for existing items. Now, having spent practically all of my life savings (literally) on these darn things, I'm still going strong (though slowing), and hope to complete my collection soon. Currently concentrating on fixing with the intention of selling, in the hope of recouping some of the money I've spent. I'm interested to learn the depth of people's knowledge on here as there's little info on Britains on Ebay. I should have logged in ages ago! CB
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