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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. cold and dry feels like snow... at least its not raining
  2. oooo yes simon mate :D i reckon she even SOUNDS better than a land rover (the engine not name)
  3. finding out i got 2 partys this weekend... im going to feel so rough in the exams monday :D
  4. you cant go wrong with a good old daihatsu go for ever... may not look the tidiest but worth its weight in gold
  5. cold and windy... i feel like having some snow now.. 135 would look good clearing snow
  6. finding out my english coursework essay has to be in by thursday \ done about quarter of a page plenty of time anyway
  7. superb collection... i spy a white massey in there lucky sod! :D
  8. nice pics adam... nothing better than getting a good offroader dirty looks like you had fun... youd have a job to keep up with my little sj though :D thanks for posting
  9. sounds good very complicated to good luck to you mate and let us know with your progress
  10. nice pics blake mate like the 390T... must feel a bit left out there :'( :D
  11. Pics of what earns dad his money the 2 mighty husky's 254xp and 272xp professional any questions... fire away
  12. Aled on his way back and just about to start filling him up
  13. aled tipping and my handywork with the compactor
  14. Bigger 3 tonne kubota and waiting for the rain to pass... dad and aled in hatsu.. me in digger with the stinking dog
  15. Daihatsu and 1.5 tonne digger and the 2 tonne hi-lift swivel dumper
  16. few pics of Rocco's yard now... roadless and log crane
  17. the forestry that we were fencing in and full trailer
  18. right then some more pics ... this time from working with dad fencing and doing logs etc , there will be many more pics soon right the first 2.... Rocco (hes italian ) loading the fencing stakes with his manitou and me in the trailer going to the next bit to be fenced
  19. that looks nice its amazing the machines that massey made that not many people know about.....
  20. 5455 and 4 ton trailer and our little 135 and grays linkbox when i went to get straw for the pigs ;D
  21. superb pictures... it looked like an awesome show , thanks for posting them texas mate
  22. repaired a fence and did some fencing with dad then moved 20 tonnes of chippings with a 2 tonne dumper and 3 tonne digger
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