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Massey Boys Mum

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Everything posted by Massey Boys Mum

  1. He's not from Cornwall Sean - he's from Gotham City!
  2. Happy Birthday Simon - hope you are having a great time - now you are twenty-eight, it's John Deere Tractors you will begin to hate!
  3. Very annoying: my Citizens Advice Information System says: If the telephone service is not working properly for more than a certain time after being reported to the telephone service provider, the client may have a right to a rental rebate on the standing charge. The telephone service provider may also have to pay compensation to the client for the period when s/he cannot use the telephone service. You should check these details with the particular telephone service provider's Code of Practice. But there is nothing that can properly compensate for not being able to access FTF for five days -you almost missed Marky on the radio ....
  4. :D sorry Jo.. i am really Ryanmassey135 , i just get Rhys's pics to get his good looks
  5. Thanks for letting us see your photos - it's nice to see what people I have been talking to on computers actually look like!
  6. Thanks Simon but that was ages ago - has Rick just noticed? Could have been one of his really long 'lay downs' I guess ...
  7. Well Rhys you may need some advice from Aunty Jo here - also, did whatever you had to drink make you get older quickly? (I only make this remark after viewing your Youtube profile ....)!!!
  8. Not soppy at all Mandy - my other half took me on a dead romantic walk down near Godrevy yesterday - only problem was it was down a sheer cliff face! I wimped out before the end because I did not want to get an injury at the beginning of the summer! I can hardly walk today - my leg muscles are all knotted up from the steep incline. Cornwall is looking fab at the moment - Cerin has just mown the lawn with the trusty Westwood.
  9. Well maybe later me bum still sore from the spanking I got from Sean Why did he abuse you in this way? Did you deserve it?
  10. Rick have you been drinking? That is so sensible - what has come over you? Seriously I am feeling bad - have I misjudged you? Well said man!
  11. I think we should have a counselling stand at Spalding - we could share hourly slots, charge a reasonable rate then divide it and spend it on models. Luke P getting first choice. Adam -your example story was really good.
  12. Well said Sean. Well said Adam. What a gang we are - talented? you bet. Worse comes to worse Luke - we can run them over with a Massey/JD hybrid! I will ask Cerin to scratch build one immediately!
  13. Marky you are now in charge of the Dear Aunty Jo column! Well said, well said, well said! It is hard to put it into words but you did very well there mate. When I started the job I have now I was subjected to a bully - and, as we know, they come in the most unexpected shapes, sizes and colours. This one was a lot younger than me and tried to convince everyone that I was a real nasty piece of work who didn't have a clue about anything. She was real sneaky and she even sunk to the depths of stealing stuff from my work personal file and accusing me of discriminating against one of our volunteers who is deaf. To be honest - I was gob-smacked - the last time anything like this had happened to me was when I was Luke P's age at school. You think it won't really get to you but it does. You think it's you, and question everything you do - you can't believe you are being bullied, but you are. It's horrible and it's scarey but you have to deal with it or sink. I got help from my lovely family who stuck by me - they said 'don't leave' and 'stay calm' and 'you are not imagining this' etc. Because of them I got through it and also, because I had faith in myself (which you must too young Luke p). So, Luke P, listen to us old farts because we do have an idea of how hard it is and we are definately here for YOU (sorry Mods but surely this is an appropriate use of Capitals?) I am now in the best job I could ever have imagined and she is not. You have to live with the consequences of your actions and that's what the bullies find out eventually
  14. well done - sorry I missed off the www. it should take you straight to it now.
  15. Hello Luke, Jo here - we have not spoken before but because of my son Cerin, I know that life has not been easy for you recently - losing your Mum and now this happening to you at school. I've read what everyone else has said to you and there's some good advice there. The main thing to remember is that you are not alone - we are all here to support you, like a different kind of family. My job is working for the Citizens Advice Bureau - I don't know if you have heard of it but it's pretty good. I got this website for you from my work www.bullying.co.uk - people have said it's helpful. Give it try. Meanwhile keep talking to your mates on FTF - you know it makes sense!
  16. Poor Sue - I do feel for you, I hate going to the dentist (although I now have an excellent one who I trust) and I have gaps. I am told that no one notices as much as we think they may do - I just try and concentrate on the better bits of my body! Sounds like life is a bit of a pain for you at present? By the way, thanks for posting up Fred!
  17. Hook, Line and Sinker Toby! I can't believe I fell right into that - you are amazing. Cerin told me to stop talking to you because you would think I was some kind of weirdo! (of course, I am being your real AUNTY JO!)
  18. I'm not being nosy just interested! We are in Cornwall and, guess what, we are from Sussex too! Near Lewes- do you know a village called Plumpton? well it's a small village next to that called East Chiltington - my brothers are farming there.
  19. It's a great hobby - very relaxing. I live in Cornwall so I go to beaches after the tourists have been and gone. I find lots of coins - £2 coins make a lovely sound. I have realised that I am going badly 'off topic' which is frowned upon on FTF, and this my son's topic so I am going to take Markys advice and start a new one. Fords are ok but I like Masseys best!
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