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Massey Boys Mum

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Everything posted by Massey Boys Mum

  1. poor old lamb chop! Ignore them young man - why are all these old men so interested in anything to do with sheep?
  2. Well done indeed - you did your best. Cerin's Saturday Job Boss, who is about the same age as you, owes his life to the Air Ambulance - a tractor tyre he was repairing exploded in his face and the Air Ambulance lifted him to hospital.
  3. Simon, I'm not. The awful truth is that I could not have lasted as long as you have without a drink ... so there you have it , i'm just plain jealous. How many days did you do anyway - Cerin said it must have been nearly a month?
  4. Explanation please Simon to all those who may not understand exactly what 'falling off the wagon' means?
  5. That is impressive Marky - particuarly the attention to scale. Anyone looking at that could be forgiven for thinking it's a genuine MF. Well done.
  6. Now lets keep calm - my cakes are of the amateur nature! With my busy life I don't think I could manage commissions. I will try and dig out the photos over the weekend to start the topic. You lot are completely insane - how can anyone admit to doing a CONVERSION of a chocolate tractor birthday cake (Marky) - what on earth did you convert it to? a slurry pit?
  7. I have got to get one for Cerin! I have just thought of a new topic for the forum - birthday cakes! Since Cerin was 2 years old I have made him some kind of home made tractor cake (although one year I remember he got into road works and we had a road works cake!) even our Christmas cakes have tractors on with tyre tracks in the icing. This damn strange hobby extends into all parts of your life! The only problem is I don't know how to import the photos but I am sure I could learn - what do you think of it as a topic?
  8. Where is that held Sean? - sorry to be a numpty!
  9. I must speak up for my son - he's sound asleep at the moment and I can't hear a thing. He's looking forward to Spalding - Sue, I have never been to a Tractor Model Event until last year and I really enjoyed it. I started to think about all the things I have always wanted to collect (Britains Garden Set, Britains Stables etc). I had loads but my four brothers stole it all for various conversions for their farms. I bought loads of Christmas presents (TE20 T towels and the like) and Cerin had the best time winning the raffle thanks to everyones generosity.
  10. Well done Simon - we had to ask! It's amazing how much weight beer puts on - keep at it! Have you tried Ginger Beer with two ice cubes? It's awesome.
  11. No pressure but me and MB were just wondering what you were drinking at that pub, Simon?
  12. Helping Massey Boy tidy his room - it's amazing what little MF gems he forgot he had!
  13. The truth is I have never been ale to Hoover his room because of the farm roads, animals, small bales etc I may have sucked up by mistake! However I of course agree it's MF all the way - if had the dosh I would bid on Fanny just for Cerin to use to travel to Newquay to school every day - park up on the beach, take in the sun, a bit of surfing here and there - she would love it .... you owe her a good home - how about a discount? you know it makes sense!!!
  14. Massey Boy whose bedroom is now knee deep in tractor detritus so there is no longer even a path to the window
  15. Hello Mandy, Cerin and I were sorry to hear about your little dog. Something from a book that I like that seems right - "When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight" lots of love from us both.
  16. That's why they do it in Perranporth - keeps the mess off the beach!
  17. Your pictures are very good - where we live in Cornwall there is a tractor that cleans the beach (Perranporth). You'll have to ask Cerin what it is - I think a Kubota?
  18. Have a really good birthday Mandy - with love and best wishes from Jo x
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