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Massey Boys Mum

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Everything posted by Massey Boys Mum

  1. We were talking at work about our various ailments and a woman said "Has anyone got any cures for arthritis?" - another woman replied "I use Uddermint - it's brilliant" !!! While we were all laughing I decided to look it up on Google to see what the active ingredients were and I found this picture - http://www.dairyspares.co.uk/images/large/186.jpg Say no more!!!!
  2. I can see that my post does not read too well. Using hand tools ... hmmm!
  3. I said to Liz that Jack should join FTF! He would love it - especially Walter Derwents photos. His handle could be 'Field Marshall Boy'!
  4. My mothers day present - Cerin fertilised and cultivated my veg patch to a fine tilth - using hand tools. He broke two with his enthusiasm but mended them pretty well with his Dad's power tools! Will be able to start sowing next weekend - especially as the clocks change.
  5. He's just gone to bed Unkelfergus! He told me Ben's tractor has recently broken down - must have been last few days because he's been up and down past here last weekend with a plough on the back. Maybe you can mend it when you are on holiday??
  6. Now now Rhys - actually I took this and the man was a giant that's why it looks odd ...
  7. Lovely drive with my husband along the North coast of Cornwall around the Zennor area - then along comes a Winnibago. I don't know why but I absolutely hate them -they just don't look right in this country especially on Cornish roads. To make matters worse we saw it again on the way back - parked up and filling the whole layby and someone had pushed a button that made the sides extend - looked totally ridiculous!
  8. Congratulations Sue - you forget just how tiny they are - lovely times ahead!
  9. Great photos! Looks like you really enjoy your work. Did you really empty that dung spreader by hand? This is the mother in me - sorry, but make sure you clean wounds like that really well - then you will have a future in farming!!
  10. Ok I will force feed him tonight - that will make biking to the farm tomorrow morning a whole new experience!
  11. umm... so what makes exactly did he enter Aunty Jo JD & Claas Marky - in his defence, the colours matched!!
  12. Doing my flower arrangements for the Horticultural Show tomorrow - there's also a photography section and Cerin was really pleased to see one of the classes was 'vehicles! His entry is three pictures of farm equipment working and there's no Massey in sight (but I did not tell you this ok?)... I have also entered the chutney class with a blindingly hot chilli, garlic and tomato concoction.
  13. That I did not have enough time to do everything I wanted to! Working full time gets in the way of life! Also I did this because I wanted to be reply 10000!!
  14. Yes I have been told on good authority that if you turn Mrs F upside down you can use her as an emergency phone!
  15. Have you got any animals now? I'm not sure about your situation in Plymouth except that you do loads of DIY!
  16. God Sean that must have been difficult to watch at that age, even with things done properly. The charity that I was banging on about before ( Farm Crisis - when Simon was deciding who to donate his drinking money to!) would have helped that guy - they are like the farming communities Samaritians.
  17. Reading the pig slaughter topic - Cerin pointed it out to me and we had a discussion about it. There's no excuse for animal cruelty of this nature. :'( When we first came to Cornwall, Cerin's first job was pig walking. They were British Middle Whites and like all pigs, they had real personality. He got third prize at Royal Cornwall for his pig walking skills - we have it on video! I am sure if the pig guy had put an advert on FTF one of us would have given them a good home.
  18. You will have to meet my nephew Smellyexhaust - he's not called that for nothing! I think you would have more than Masseys in common by the sound of it!]
  19. That's really funny! What are you like??? .... what happened next - were you sussed out? did you blame another?
  20. Walter, did you ever consider auditioning for 'only fools and horses?' Its strange when you imagine what people on the forum look like - then you see the reality. I had you down as blonde and serious!
  21. It's a stunning day in Cornwall. Digging the garden and my husband has just washed the greenhouse as only a real man can. Cerin noticed a bumble bee covered in tiny mites - we did this: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.uksafari.com/jpeg2/bumble5.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.uksafari.com/bumblebees3.htm&usg=__xb3u0ASxr-cDMkyPxeSFAKFt3zw=&h=169&w=200&sz=7&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=jlFjSEfYBlKtkM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2522bumble%2Bbee%2Bmites%2522%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 but it has not worked - we have decided to let nature take its course. Does every creature get parasites we wondered?
  22. Happy Birthday Rick - you are born on the same day as my best friend Lucy who is still the sexiest woman ever to milk a cow! Now you are the age of sixty three You will behave even more randomly!
  23. That must have been hard - why don't you take something and incorporate it to your model farm - like make a building or something? Then you will always think of them in a good way when you use it.
  24. Too blue for Mavis, and, if I may say so, far too masculine.
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