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Blue man

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Everything posted by Blue man

  1. If its not already taken,Hedge cutting could be way of you starting up,I know its just what we need around here and with so many farms having lanes They have to be trimmed,Just an Idea
  2. No the 7740 is a bigger machine,Its a 4 pot aswell but is just that bit bigger that you could notice.
  3. Was there today,had a chat with a few people including Justin and Denis (jdman),I`ll be there again tomorrow so don`t be afraid to drop in and say hello
  4. I`ll definatley be at the Model mania show so anyone going will see the finished display and if your not going I`ll have pictures up Sunday night or Monday
  5. Is there any official release date for the Kanes as I have heard they`ve been pushed out to February,Is there any truth in this?
  6. Nah that was a picture taken by my father in the 90s but twas on the mallow road
  7. Not quite done yet though Thanks
  8. 960 and The T6090 Machinery shed 718 and the Deisel Tank Slats
  9. This is my display That I`m going to use for shows,It`s basically a contractors yard who rares some cattle.Any one going to Mitchelstown at the end of the month should see it there Some Pictures Overhead view of the farm. Silage Pit and 416S,The Herron in the backround will be on a TM140 or another T6090. Big M II leaving. Bit of Wrapping with the 6640 and the TM310 keeping her fed. 6600 drawing away the wrapped bales to the out farm. 5000(minus its door) off to do a bit off topping
  10. Looking sweet lad looks like this one Can`t wait to see the 4600
  11. I used a Imber 6640 axle or the Britains Jd 4020 axle would be good as well
  12. Blue man

    ROS 2011

    You can never have to many Fords/New Hollands Though Pat
  13. Ts115 is six pot though so i might make ita TS110
  14. I have a MF 5455 chassies and wheels sitting on my work bench So what should I make out of it.It has to be a NH or a Ford
  15. Proper job Yea i might if i can get one There off a 1 32 lorry from aldi
  16. Athy Co.Kildare ROI on the 21st.22nd and 23rd of september,Its the world ploughing championships this year
  17. Based on the britains marston shortened with new sides,wheels and new drawbar.Still have to do the tail board.
  18. Well finally near finishing this just decals to get New Exhaust,Weights,No. Plates and steering axel
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