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Posts posted by brianih634

  1. Many thanks to Bill for taking the time to organise this trip for us, and also to Jim and Mandy Stewart for allowing us to see round their business.

    You really do deserve the thanks Bill, if you hadn't bothered, then we would have all missed out. I look forward to the next outing and as Dode said, maybee we can get a chance to have a decent blether together.

    The visit really did impress me and just re-enforced my positive views on Stewart trailers. A nice run enterprise with an increasing customer base by the day.

  2. Stand by your beds you northern weirdos as the UTS bandwagon is coming to Penrith  :-*:-*

    Google maps recons 7hrs in the van without stops including picking up the dodgy sidekick (haven't told him yet)  ;D ;D ;D

    Just waiting for my smelly lovely secretary to confirm that Harold can fit our stomachs and models in somewhere  ;)

    Glad you can make it Barry. :)

    Just spoken to Harold and we're going to be there :)

    Excellent, I must make sure to visit your stand and spend some penny's  ;):) :) .

  3. Lovely photographs bossky...

    Umm.. take a look at the position of the chappy in the deere... just to the left of the centre of the straw swath... I thought it was just a bit of bad measuring on the Lexion spout we had... but it seems that more than one of them discharge a tad too far over to the left to let the tractor run in the centre of the previous row left by the combine... er... or am I missing something ???

    Also... that's another spout shape I've not seen before on a Lexion... that's 3 differing types I've noted now  :-\

    There is so many options of spout length and end pieces that it gets confusing. Looks like the standard end piece would work well on that machine, but then it ends up too high if it is very windy.

  4. Thanks for the comments,

    they were fairly easy to do, slight bit of filing and drill some holes for the screws  :);)

    Massey was a bit of a fiddle to do as I could not get the loader to sit right  >:( , then I discovered that the bucket does not sit true to the loader frame, so therefore threw me off  :P .

    Final result looks okay though  :) .

    Tipping angles were altered on both loaders aswell, I just hate that model manufacturers make them so that you could never actually load a trailer with them  ::) ::)

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