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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Heading for Cheffins with 30 lots to go in next weeks sale rangong from a loader to wheels to panels to tyres. Will reload four rotters and be home for tea. Will be three long days on the road this week, 38hrs I expect. A weeks work for most!
  2. Nice buys, Robert. Those little screwdrivers are very good ans a key item to have in the tool drawer.
  3. Pics tomorrow, dark out and it's black I'll ignite the Wheels topic again with a few. Nice thing to drive, I'm never going to have any weight in it so as long as I don't get excited by the turbo too often,,should be ok on fuel. 2.2 lump in it, twin sliders, rear tailgate, very tidy and for a van the mileage is a decent 110k, below average for ten year old. First of the later shape too.
  4. :ha ha!: Oh yoooou lot!! :ha ha!: Delivered a load of hay to Wales as per the norm, back empty to reload with a DAF 95 XF and Freelander to take to Tilbury tomorrow. Early finish to go and pick up my....... Vito!
  5. I almost agree with you to that line, there is help from the welfare State, Paul. There are handouts in one for or another across the board through subsidies, tax relief, credits and benefits so farmers are most certainly not the only people to receive financial help. As it happens, I'm not in favour of subsidies anyway. It's mental that a farmer can rent ground off of the MOD for £18/acre and then claim £89/acre subsidy! A rumour mind, possibly not entirely true but there must be some truth in the situaion. I admire the French for the ballsy nature but as with the fuel protests, lines of lorries all polished up to the hilt with posh paint jobs, light bars and Dura-Brites, owners of which are happy to spend thousands of pounda on bling but protest at fuel prices? Same in the clip here, some of those tractors are very valuable and while it is a tool to do a job, your average Joe only see's Farmer can afford a new tractor. It doesn't always bode well. Tim has made some good points in that last post I might add too about the value not always.being sat in an account and also, the values of such assets are not decided by the farmer but by the market and the suits in the city!
  6. I loves spreading I do I take you're not being too 'generous' with the loads given the conditions?!
  7. You mean you didn't get the customary three screwdriver set in your Christmas cracker?!
  8. Yep, pics tomorrow Barry. I could just tell you now but where's the fun in that!!!
  9. I like that kit a lot, something more scratch builders could do maybe.
  10. Really?!! Wow!! Any photos of that at all? I would LOVE to see it!!
  11. What gets me is, not a single copper is there!! If that was here it would be swarming with police, the cctv control room would be overheating . .... Every one of those chaps would be brought to court and charged. I have always admired the French for the protesting though, as disruptive as it is when they blockade ports and so on, they don't have carry out a threat well. Fair play to them, wish we had the bottle to do it here when it really matters.
  12. Jesus wept!! I take it you have used allyou. . .. allymi. ... hang on. ... a-loooom-inum?!! It's stunning in it's naked form. Have you thought of doing any artic trailers at all?
  13. Blinking nora, you have had a weekend and half Alex!! Bet the burger and chips went down well and even better time the Stowford swilled it down just to make sure. Nice once geezer. For me, the first Sunday in a loooong while where I have done bu66er all of any importance or the like. No DIY basically. Two miles over the hill with Pups this morning followed by scrambled eggs on toast with mushrooms. Cleaned up, went to Trowbridge to get a new mattress and also ordered a docking station alarm/DAB radio to colllect tomorrow. .... in Chippenham. ... Home, cuppa, cake, little bit of garden cleaning up at different parts of the day - washing gravel basically, tea, biscuits, doing a bit on the model beef shed inbetween the garden stuff. Cider, beef shed, ebay, beef shed, soup, beef shed, looking at rugs online, squash, mince pie. Bed. Nunight!!
  14. That's the badger, Harry. Oh and a new mattress too as the one we bought in the sales after Christmas is chuffing awful!!
  15. A Sony alarm clock radio docking station thingy whatsit..... Don't feckin ask me!
  16. No, Atte posts photos as proof........ Come on, Blake..... You've no affiliation to Britains so you have no word to honour ;)
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