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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Off to East Sussex for a tractor then back to West Sussex to pick up a tractor and a baler. Nice day
  2. In a nutshell, Pat. I don't think Stewart nor anyone else need defending as they arn't doing anything wrong themselves. My reference to artic bulkers on a dolly was in reference to running them on farm only which someone mentioned doing so with these so PC Plod would not see them let alone have any need to bother with them. As for lorries running bent, Sandy Kidd!! But no, of course you are right as there are some baddies out there without doubt but like the argument someone offered on FB, car manufacturers build cars capable of 200mph but the limit is 70. . . That's a whole different argument in its own right.
  3. Oh yes absolutely, Will. No need not to be nor faulty lights!!
  4. Ha!! Sounds about right!! The bales wouldn't way as much as you think, 76 bales on the artic and my gross is 28 - 31t depending on barley or wheat and how dry it was baled.
  5. Certainly is legal. A Webcox 14t silage trailer is 6t empty!! So you are already looking at a weight of 18t for tractor and load, say 6t for a tractor leaving 12t for the load. Legal but 2t short as far as capacity goes. It's all b******t!!
  6. That's the trouble, Blake. Kit nowadays caters for weights exceeding our outdated laws. Would a 25t silage trailer actually hold 25t of grass though, very doubtful so in this case the trailer is needed on its cubic capacity rather than it's weight capacity. Empty it must weigh near 7 or 8t though no?
  7. Agreed on all the above, a fine job you have done... Good job too as your photos are very very crisp and clear!!
  8. Yep and anything Hire or Reward too regardless of distance.
  9. I think the Paulet Arms or The Three Daggers is the rendez-vous Barry, not sure what it calls itself now but it is in Edington and used to be called The Lamb. It is the http://www.threedaggers.co.uk/history as I have just found!
  10. With open arms I'd welcome it too, Pat. There are some real big farming enterprises in this country and there should be much better examples being set by such. The drivers hours would of course be a sticking point given the weather orientated work loads farmers and contractors have to work with and around but given the size, speed and weight of this modern kit, the current (lack of a) system is starting to show itself much more apparently in the modern day.
  11. No, I understand your point without any bother and as you say the Forum is of a use to you in a more specific way and a way in which it would appear on Atte can help you out. We all have our opinions and our ideas and yours are as respected by me as I hope mine are by you which is where I think FTF does break away from many other Forums which are just pages of tit for tat arguments and very little else!
  12. Logs again today, fiver tip Off out for a few beers shortly too. .. Or ciders anyway!
  13. I think it looks like a terrific trailer in all honesty. Typical Stewart engineering, heavily built and properly built. Looks the part. If a farmer wants to run it 'on farm' only, he could get an ex-haulage bulker and stick a bogey on it for literally a couple of grand. Better ride quality too! Nobody will buy this and NOT use it on the road and it isn't Stewarts place to tell them not too either, alas I doubt very much many people really do know the rules as well. This only demonstrates that people want to run illegally and manufacturers are willing to help them do it. Which I think is a problem and as I said on their FB page, we Brits are very backward when it comes to this.
  14. Mmmm I don't think the Forum is poorer for anyone leaving, regardless. It's made up of hundreds of/thousands of people who all contribute into making this place tick and nobody singly deserves notable credit for how it is today or has been in the past. While Andy deserves credit for building the ship, we all (inclusive) make it sail. Sad when and if anyone leaves but with regard to information and pictures of releases, it is all free information in the public domain after all so it will still get posted by somebody with or without Atte. No disrespect to him and I certainly wish him no harm whatsoever, while also hoping Atte does show up again.
  15. Bloody cheapskate combining the two!! :ha ha!: Congratulations to both of, Mandy and Frazer. Happy days
  16. I don't really need a van this big let alone an ex-kebab house delivery van
  17. After the stick I got on Facebook for it?!! :ha ha!: I have one photo on my 'phone but maybe tomorrow I will finish work in daylight and get some nice ones
  18. Good news, Sue. I didn't think your house would take too long to sell, its a lovely hone in a beautiful part of the world. Hope the sale is swift and trouble free, likewise with your buy.
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