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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. They arevon Andys camera mate. One was of a new Class Celtis? on demo loading muck into a Samson spreader. The other of a wash.bay with a Massey getting a blast off, both were very good though. The chap said he'd join up so I hope we see more Baler and swath looks on perfect now bud
  2. Twin steer and pushers is the norm(both raise with air but pushers don't steer), Ol for 44t+. Four wheelers are sub 40t.
  3. Is the crane made by you too, Sjonnie? Or is it one you have bought and modified?
  4. Looking very good, Paul. Like it a lot. I saw today at first hand what can be done with a small diorama by a chap who had two small plinth type affairs. One small observation though, you have the crop going over the top of the crop press, it should be underneath I think.
  5. Really like this topic and all the discussion about the 3D printing. I'll never be able to buy one but seeing the possibilities it could/would bring is fantastic. Look forward to following your progress with the program and the printer.
  6. Those bits will be forever brought up in conversation to make sure you cherish them...... and make sure you both know how let down, forgotten and hurt I feel..... :'( I got quite a pleasing haul without going over the top. Kieth Paice Farm Models post hole borer Unboxed Britains 6600 Unboxed Britains 7600 Universal Hobbies weathered TW-25 and chisel plough set. MIMB Britains: Kidd roller Salop cattle trailer Chafer sprayer MF 30 seed drill Unimog breakdown truck Set of round bales Pretty pleased with that little lot
  7. After Agrivert at Wessex Water, it was CSG, then Carcarc and finally Dampneys - who bought all the kit off of WW when they realised it was not viable to run their own gear in house (under the name Geneco). Is CSG no more then? Threeoaksfarmmodels make some lovely scale replicas of Bunning spreaders, I have a 150 which Dan made for me specifically. I was telling him about your machinery today. Dan said he had seen the 3 series being built at Bunnings when he visited and that they were gigantic!!
  8. The standard of the layouts was a knock out. I think the judges had a job on to pick winners. Hats off to the organisers of the whole show but especially for the layout and diorama side of things. More waffle later.
  9. Where in Wiltshire could that be then, Charlie? For Thames water maybe? Wessex went the trailed route because the three contractors who had TerraGators had all been affected by downtime. Not always the initial problem but waiting for parts to be shipped onto the UK and out to site. I'm not up to speed on a lot of the new gear now, not least the Vredo but the TerraG's look the part. The Vredo does look like a toddlers Lego creation! As for the drill, Charlie. A few members gave built one using two old Britains 30's but finding two of the same red can be a stumbling block so a can of MF red will be required. Sean is planning another one to do soon with end tow kit so look out for that.
  10. No but I would have thought mid afternoon, Robert. I'm just stopping for van fuel, belly fuel and wallet fuel. Really looking forward to meeting and greeting old and new folk and seeing these layouts
  11. Lovely kit, really eye catching. I also looked up your company's website earlier. I have always said since Agrivert left our area, if they ever came back I'd apply straight away. Looking at the image of your guys I would say they would be a good company to be on with too? The machinery is all top notch, nice website. Nice, mate. Really nice. Also, you take a great photo
  12. Check out that bad boy!! A tad top heavy mind.... This one, Joe?
  13. Click on More Reply Options which will take you to a new page with a nother reply window. Under the window is where you browse and add a photo, don't forget to click on Attach! I think you can do a few like this, they appear as thumbnails in your post and then enlarge when we click on them to view. Or, cut and paste links from (if you use) Photobucket, Flickr and so on. 230?!!! Jesus wept!
  14. Sounds good, Mandy. No secret pics I take it then?! See you in the morning, come and say hello to Zia!! xXx
  15. What Bunnings is it you run? After Wessex Water did away with contractors and took the spreading in house, it was Bunning Lowlandera they opted for. I did a summer for them (I'm self employed nowadays) and thought they were a bloody good bit of kit. In two teams if two we could knock out 1000t on a good day per team. I did believe the spreading pattern was superior to the Tebbes too but the cake had changed inbetween times which may have been a factor. I really look forward to your photos (I have Scania blood having mainly driven them in my jobs) all mine are on here somewhere. Most in my topic in Farm Talk - A Few Pics From Around The Farms.
  16. They certainly did and like you have only seen them on eBay.de in any number. Now and then on eBay UK but not often and once or twice at shows. Do you want one boxed or not? I could keep an eye out for you at Toytrac if you like?
  17. Go on facebook and look up Perfect 32 hq and check out his ROS Grimme with all the extra including picking table. It's outstanding!
  18. Hello, Charlie. Welcome aboard, if you're a 'holic already then this place will offer you no therapy! :D What it will offer you however is oodles of info, up to the minute info on new releases, diorama tips, conversions and of course a great community spirit with laughs and banter all the way. Now.... Onto the serious stuff. You're in trouble already. Myself and Joe (catkom3) are big fans of TerraGators and having mentioned you work with them and not posted a photo, we will be heading to Kent next week to put you in the stocks. Unbelievable. I spent a time working for Agrivert mainly driving a then brand new Scania 8x4 bulker on cake haulage. It did however involve many weekends on overtime spreading with a 2104 or a Fendt 514c with a Tebbe spreader. Joe has built a newer TerraGator using a Norscot Challenger front end and in a word, it'a awesome. Again, welcome aboard. Regards, Tris
  19. Well, just stopped for a bacon and egg doorstep at Devizes' premiere butty van between log deliveries. I'm hedgetrimming after lunch, I Did want to come down this afternoon but there we are ( Safe driving all, nothing on the traffic news as yet. See you all tomorrow or even tonight if plans get cancelled.
  20. On the work front, well done big man. Nice kit to be going on with. The CVX would have done me but that New Holland is the icing on the cake. Plus, Case Chick don't quite sound the same! On the family side of things, Ol. I do wish you all well mate, I hope the ill health is not an ongoing affair and you being there is as much a help for yourself as for your family.
  21. I look forward to seeing this at Zwolle. Do you know how many hours you have spent making this?
  22. I'm glad this got bumped because I missed it first time around. Your model is outstanding! The detail around the chassis and axles is just brilliant. I hope we get to see more of your work.
  23. I ain't driving all the way down there to drive one!
  24. I just need to find a real one to drive.......
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