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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Little jeffers. No injuries I hope? I see you've gone all bare faced now so one must have got damn close, Alex?!! :ha ha!:
  2. An interesting example with reverse drive at Cheffins last year. Another which I picked up from Norfolk with the 590 beside it, both with after market turbos. At last! I knew there was one somewhere! A rebuilt one awaiting a container one morning in the yard.
  3. Thanks David, this one came out of Wales from our usual source along with its two siblings. Then there was this one, which left the yard via a container and in the more usual red colour. Interior shots Not the same one but another 2680 off for a new life somewhere hot, whilst to many these old tractors die a death and are beyond their owners mechanical repair, they often have a lot left to give and are still working hard somewhere now.
  4. Pic 1 I think. Sjonnie do you have to be so good at EVERYTHING!!! :ha ha!: :ha ha!:
  5. That's outstanding. I have to say that is a definite 'want' for me now having seen what you have done. It would not look out of place against a Marge Ford.
  6. Looks like a flipping mess!! Just the outcome you wanted, no doubt!! It looks fantastic, reading your method you obviously know your stuff and take your time on the colours and layering. In much the same way a real machine gradually gets dirty over the year(s). Really like all of them, especially the cab of the 7810 - I have collected plenty of 10 series looking just like that.
  7. I gather the top two were at your current job? What about the others? When the 8000 series came out I always hoped for a drive in one but sadly never did nor have yet
  8. Didn't realise this topic had escaped me, David. It's a brilliant topic, I must say. As you know this tractor is one of many MF's I have seen plenty of over the past couple of years in my job but you really have photographed some beauties. Mind if I add some of mine?
  9. Beautiful little place, Mark. Hope you had a nice break there. We use Ash for kindling so we find a lot of well priced Ash come our way soo but at what cost? I'm sure if there is going to be a lot of the stuff and the price plummets, every Tom, **** & Harry will have a go at the log job. Rather just see the tree's remain standing to be honest.
  10. This topic is great! Been a while since we have had this kind of banter on FTF.
  11. Barry, you know me. Very polite young chap, outwardly friendly and good natured.... Blah blah blah..... I'd hate for Jax's sister to be left out so I'm more than happy to ahem, ya know.... Anyone for a bar stool?!
  12. They do look very good indeed, can the same mould be used to try different materials? Like maybe some sort of plaster/ground down stone compound?
  13. Or Ros' Kim75 (I think), he posts on here sometimes too.
  14. Let's hope the new 'copters follow the same trait as the well proven Hawk then. Dutch Elm didn't reach you in quite the same severity then? All being well this Ash Die Back won't either. I certainly hope it doesn't everywhere.
  15. I love that first photo, Dave. The house with the field of cows behind is a typical country scene and you've made a nice job of that. You've got some nice Hubbard Fabrications sheds too!
  16. I hear another model of Super Puma had to ditch due to gearboz failure. Too many are going the same way it would seem? May be a lot more Ash trees to cut up in the next ten years....
  17. Still going down. .. http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35c0582803 Interesting conversion.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Britains-Farm-scale-1-32-Grain-lorry-scratch-built-/121009114209?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item1c2cb48c61
  18. Depending on the owner of the brand which isn't always the brand name - especially talking of older manufacturers - it can be a minefield to get all parties to agree on the same thing and such licences can and do cost thousands of pounds.
  19. Picked up a MIB Britains plough set for under a tenner off of eBay for the Yesteryear collection and a couple of days ago after a listing ended I managed to strike a deal for an unsold item, another Holy Grail of mine - Britains blue Leyland milk tanker, MiMB. Super pleased with that one. Leaves just the Road Series Mercedes cement mixer in orange in the way of lorries to get now
  20. Hey! Come along for the ride, Bob but don't go telling too many people or I will have to start charging!!
  21. Most sheds around here are 20ft bays and single spans up to 80ft. For roof pitch, something like 15deg I think, can't remember off the top of my head. I did my research by Googling up the names that advertise in the Farmers Weekly. Some give the measurements and angles of all you need to know.
  22. Blinking flipping Nora, she'll do! Could have put a smarter top on though, got a rip in that one.... I'd like to spend a day with one of the Foxy Hunters.... Mmmmm Mm!!
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