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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Looks like you have a soft spot for these modern Masseys and you do a nice job converting them
  2. That is a very nice little model and a great scene set up. Will you be buuling one then?
  3. Sat taking it easy again today too then I'm heading for Tilbury docks to drop off a Tanzania bound Seddon Atkinson tipper. On up to Peterborough afterwards to pick up an MF6160, 3f Lemken reversible, a fertiliser spinner and a combination cultivator. Most of which will stay on the farm to put the first crop of wheat in behind the pea/barley wholecrop which wad bales off earlier in the year. First bit of arable on this ground ever I believe and possible for the farm in at least 50yrs possibly ever.
  4. I agree, Mike. The lack of header trailers with these models, especially the more toy like ones is just daft. Reading Warner Halls articles over the past couple of tears it seems most of his ideas are the basis of what we still want now, 20 - 30 years on!!
  5. Serious work this has turned into, Pete. You don't half get stuck into it when you want to build something, this old Inter is going to be a treat. It looks really good all primed up. Nice to see you getting back into it again buddy
  6. CD cases are popular especially for tinted windows.
  7. Well it doesn't like a bad cheap nasty Olly job to me! Sits on the back of the tanker quite well and you wouldn't be the first farmer to buold a tool to exactly match his requirements
  8. I wondered if you were going to mention grass seed. Here in UK a few people windrow oilseed but the vast majority dessicate nowadays. It will be an interesting build that's for sure. I am sure a Class one got started on here a year or two ago. Can't remember who was building it though.
  9. Welcome Jan, we have a lot of people in the know as regards to parts and scratchbuilding here on FTF. Although windrowers don't grace the pages here all too often, skills and ideas are in abundance. It will be a nice model to see. Have you used one or seen one working where you are? All the best for now, Tris.
  10. Get on the money, Alex. Do it while you're young and healthy mate. Same for lately but apart from the monumental UH c0ck up it doesn't seem much has been missed!
  11. Kidd are still about, Sean in the guise of KFM Toppers and straw choppers still seen leaving Devizes on lorries regularly
  12. Could well have been this then, Nigel yes.
  13. Nice close up photos of the ploughing, some pretty sharp old boys there. Also, next to that Kobuta Hobbit Special, that's a red Collins Teleshift isn't it?
  14. Quite like that finished in aluminium!! Excellent build, excellent.
  15. Lovely updates and a nice topic to see resurrected.
  16. Round here, Nigel it is baled with no net then torched that way. Burning the swaths is not seen as 'controlled burning' whereas burning bales or heaps, is.
  17. That is going to be some size building, it's the layout/buildings side of the hobby I like the most I think so seeing a new farm starting up is right up my street. Love it so far, look forward to seeing plenty more
  18. Nice to see the updates, Chris. Some nice shots of the new Katana out at play
  19. Was there not government grants towards direct drilling back in the seventies? I know a chap who worked for a contractor running Bettison drills in the 70's/early 80's on behalf of a farming supply company, possible Wiltshire Farmers? I'm sure it was part funded in some way.
  20. Cheers fella, one eye still isn't quite right but I can't sit at home so it's back on the job tomorrow. Should be right by morning anyway. Straw to Tiverton then a trip back into Somerset for a couple of Fords to bring home.
  21. Showmen and their vehicles have an entirely different set of rules to abide by, their vehicles must be permanently fitted with living accommodation and/or the vehicle or part of must form part of the 'show' - ie catering, rides and so on. Max length of towing more than one trailer is 25.9m, Joe and only one can be longer than 7. Both trailers must be unladen too. Tracked vehicles do provide a grey area though as the laws havn't moved as fast as the progress in their use in farming.
  22. I won't be doing much today after having an allergic reaction to something last night and sittin in A&E till 01.40 this morning. Not like me at all.
  23. Finished the hay!! 2012 hay making is done and the last 3000 odd bales were not too bad given how late in the year we are. Grand total of 17,000 made, up 5,000 on the average, up 8,000 on last years total! One more artic load of straw to deliver, one rigid load to deliver and another 50ac has been bought to use on the farm and store for possible sales at the end of the winter.
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