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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. the guy i worked with hooked the jd 6810 up to computers at the start of this summer and opened her up to 155hp so far there has not been any trouble from her, i know it wasnt too much of a jump in hp so that might have something to do with it, the same fella had a jd 3055 or something like that and she about 10 years ago she used keep opening herself up they reckoned she was about 200hp and they never had any trouble from her
  2. Ive ordered from tyrotoys a few times from germany, theres usually not a problem as they have perect english and postage isnt too serious as its already quite expensive for me to get soft soft sent from England to Ireland, the only problem with tyrotos is it can take well over a month to receive your purchase. To date ive got 6 class harvesters from them and 2 britains valtra 8950s in the class colours all arrived intact
  3. im also very interested in getting one only problem is im going to be fairly broke for a while but if ye still have one avalable when i have more money count me down
  4. getting digital camera for christmas then hopefully with your help in talking me through how to post a pic i can throw a few up!............ ps i piddled drunk right now
  5. TM i think you should give up the day job and start building models full time that stuff is **** hot
  6. haha well you know when youve dead lines to make and people or potato factories shouting you have to do what you have to do to get byregardless of the weather at times :
  7. Finally got the harvest underway, there was some serious delays due to very wet weather and hence even weather fields, but we finally moved into the first friday morning, originally a M.F. 6140 was to go topping however the going was a bit tough for her due to some soft ground conditions so we brought one of the M.F. 6180s which managed beter, on the harvester there is a 6290 and there are two of agrium models converted 6290s carting to the grader with maraston trailers, i had to carry a M.F. 3680 into the field too as she was on stand by with chains later in the day as the exit passage from the field got pretty sticky and the 6140 was put onto a yard brush to give the road a bit of a sweep to keep the cops happy all in all my the start of my first potato harvest is going ok with no major problems besides a bit of muck
  8. Hi Bill I know theres issues regarding licencing and all that but i think ye should defidently consider a new massey possibly out of the 8400 series i think theres many on here wholl agree with me but a big good quality massey is badly needed in 1/32 model tractors the only out there at the moment is the siku and i dont think the quality of this model is that good it doesnt even have glass all round
  9. i was looking at it on some site yesterday not sure which ne it was again but i think it could have been on tyro toys site its www.tyrotoys.de
  10. well if ye all want to move your stuff over here to me ill gladly provide a field to build our building in............. i mpromise ill look after all your stuff and ye can come look at them when ever it suits me ? ;D
  11. i cant even put them in the loft cause we converted our attic to rooms a few years ago so now we dont even have one, anyway i like to be looking at them as i drift off ?to sleep ? :P
  12. similar problem ?every shelf in my bed room at home is covered as well as the shelfs and floor spaces in a few other rooms its a disaster ? my biggest fear is some child will get into one of the rooms some day and start "playing" with them
  13. i agree 7480 is sweet like it alot, have you done any implement conversions
  14. so far i can only speak for towse trading and agrium models as they are the only people ive both from but as far as quality and good models go they are top of the range and i defidently dont think youll be disappointed by them
  15. is that the one where he rolled it down hills and drove something over it and all that the engine was still running with the turn of the key after................. what a machine hi-lux any day for me
  16. ;D they sure do sometimes i get bout 30 cuts of silage from this one field and it also grows grass in the middle of the winter its a dream field
  17. afraid i dont have room to set up a farm so just have to set up a display in a field which grows everything...............its a magic field i grow wheat barley beans potatoes grass contracting forms the largest part of my operation by far
  18. i only ever got a go of ploughing once it was with a 6 furrow Dowdeswell hooked up to a M.F. 8270 she was an animal i only got to spend bout half an hour on it though but its something id really like to do more off, nothing beats going into a field and being able to see your self making progress especially when theres a nice finish after
  19. ;D ;D nothing has changed it still a bit of a touchy subject \
  20. ya id do, there was a post somewhere ages ago bout this topic ended up almost turning into a war as to decide wich woould be the best option id go for a hilux though or id settle for land cruiser if it came to that
  21. beautiful................... 30 quid does seem like a bargin for it alrite
  22. tis for sure, the first two look like there european so does the third one for that matter it was just with usa written on the trailer and the axels on the 8560? in the first ones looked a bit american otherwise the tractors look european
  23. it was a ford FP wigh a q cab never seen one in real life though, id put up a pic if i could but scanner we have keeps messing up all the other programes on the computer so cant use that hopefully il hace a digital camera by christmas though can ?post away mad then ;D i know how you mean nh2 times are tough
  24. cool are those pics from the US that masse is very nice slithty biger trailer then my kane whats loading do you know
  25. ya it does look the business there think if i had it shed be going onto an 8730 with fords drawing ;D make a set up like when i was younger
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