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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. very noble! i would like to apologise for exciting tris so much!
  2. tris because you are like my hobbit uncle...... i took this nice shot at french car show
  3. been told im working 5x 12 hour days weds-sun at silverstone for the Formula 1!!! winner winner chicken dinner.
  4. pulling 4 pints of peddy for a punter, giving him his change and watching him walk off without his drinks!
  5. 6 2:1s and 2 2:2s hello second year! oh and i pulled Ryan Sidebottom a pint of pedigree yesterday
  6. leicestershire county cricket batsman throwing his bat at the nottinghamshire county cricket bowler, and the bowler throwing it back!
  7. Tris you beat me too it! cracking photo's.....and the scratch build is bloody good aswell!
  8. went to work at 4pm arrived at wedding reception at 5pm, worked til 3am was in bed at 4am, up at 11am at work by 12pm worked 1-5pm at leicester county cricket club who were playings nottingham, pulled Ryan Sidebottom a pint of pedigree.
  9. went to my mates last night to try and cheer him up a bit....got home about 1300, just had some food and a kip and im getting read to work 5pm-3am......
  10. working 5pm til 3am or i would....
  11. bet that makes the poor old grey and gold wobble a bit!
  12. understatement in massey ferguson overalls right there! interesting implement! am i right in thinking that the bars with tines on move left to right?
  13. i feel bad about making fun of your height if it turns out you're still at school....
  14. chav showing off riding his push bike with no hands, showing off right until his face kissed the tarmac....
  15. 6 hours potwashing this morning, followed by 6 hours silver service tonight. half way through.
  16. the guy said i did but never called me again, so i'm now a minimum wage waiter hahah still better than nothing.... just worked 10 hours at a wedding reception
  17. driving to work, to pick up 3 people to drive to farndon to wait on at a wedding for 8 hours, to drive back to work. double pay
  18. my baby face after i spent 10minutes hacking my beard off..... funny and horrifying at the same time.
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