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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. i now know where a MF59* lives... will get pictures!
  2. was told to pressure wash the patio, so i fixed the pressure washer, and about 5 hours later im 2/3 done! joy....
  3. cheers guys not very machinery intensive, so i guess they won't appeal to most.... but best i could manage in 3 hours
  4. JCB digger Fastrac and Bailey dump trailer sprayer in our fields that have been emptied of bales. that's all i reckon!
  5. Silo chewing the cud.... cow, topper, monastery it appears that the clergy's choice of tractor is John Deere! outside a friends farm....quack quack vintage!
  6. monastery and farm.... silage clamp nice day for an adventure... you thought you were lost before? implements!
  7. nice and straight..... View of Mount st bernard abbey... a monastery and farm found a hole in a fence, leapfrogged some razor wire and found an abandoned quarry! slag... pretty.... deep...
  8. on the trail of some machinery.... view across the hills, i live on t'other side of that peak.... some cows that belong to a client of my father's, whose beef farm has been featured on Hairy Bikers! (from left to right, sirloin, rib-eye and rump) Nice abandoned barn field of err sommat or other....
  9. field full of calves! This one was auditioning for the gymnastics team....
  10. hello my deeres! bales in our fields were haylage, they got wrapped at 1230am. good job as it absolutely p****d it down the next day..... parents 25th anniversary today.... they went out and i went for an adventure! no one really rates my part of the world as far as.... err anything goes...so i'll show you what i've found on my 3 hour adventure! one for marky.... BlackBrook reservoir...may have gone tomb-stoning here....
  11. nice photos m'lud! i'm sure you'll do some retail therapy of MF merchandise tomorrow to get over the day of those other coloured tractors....
  12. my mate and i went through a 12 crate of cider at an astonishing rate last night my deere!
  13. well my deere trissle! if they are wrapped tomorrow i will be there with camera, i've been sat in the garden all evening, the smell is gorgeous!
  14. cheers all, will keep an eye out for some new pics for you all.....
  15. ive just been out for a look, im covered in stinging nettle stings and am digging thorns out of myself.... some are cubes, but some are more cuboid, but about 1.8m x 1m x1m...... strange sizes...... cant see any evidence of accumulation as for horsey talk, they smell absolutely mint! someone's pets are being well fed this winter and that's a fact! verdict?!
  16. cheers Sean! gimme 5 mins and i will go and investigate!
  17. i'll drop you a pm with my details nearer the time!
  18. well im in Norfolk for 2 weeks in July, might have to come see you!
  19. outside hindringham highbarns, looking toward Binham. you can see Binham priory (the ruined church effort) in one of the photos..... saw a fair few valtras round that way.... glad you both like the photos! will do my best for some more
  20. digging deep..... i'm dreaming of a white christmas....
  21. easter in north norfolk!
  22. they've cut our fields for hay now with the nice weather!
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