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justy 46

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Everything posted by justy 46

  1. Ohhh. Is this it. A Fritzmeier 4600..😍
  2. I will buy one in around 3 years time when the ass will fall out of these mad prices.... 😅 Good things come to those who wait..
  3. You think that's bad Cyril.. You ain't seen nothing yet.. 😅 The import charges on this were near €90...+ €24 postage. Now that's taking the piss... https://www.ebay.ie/itm/145573055020?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=5282-175127-2357-0&ssspo=A98xJnTOR12&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=TfpLkD11SD6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. A tilage farmer by the name of John Kelleher from Killavullen.. He also has a tracked Fendt 900 Vario MT and a few 700 Series... The 1050 is a monster..
  5. You would have better visibility out the front of a steam train than over the bonnet of that MF.. 😅 It's terrible..
  6. 55 Sterling... = €65 I spose. Pretty sure I payed less for a Schuco JD 4955 not long ago.. This ain't worth half that stated price..
  7. Smyths have a New Ray box set of a Newholland C9 combine, T7. 270 tractor & trailer, grain silo and a few more little bits for under €40.. Put that on a shelf opposite the Britains NH combine and see which moves the quickest in sales... It was not too long ago a UH C9 combine was between €90 to €100. Never tought I'd see a Britains push up to that price so quickly. Now I know the NewRay is a pure carpet farming toy.. But Britains are also.. A parent will steer the purchase obviously towards va New Ray or a bigger Bruder.. Britains have basically increased their prices by 100%+ in under 10 years. Who's wages have matched that??
  8. Britains are only shooting themselfs in the foot and making toys from the likes of New Ray and Bruder more attractive to a cash strapped parent in a toyshop. It's all about value for money. Maybe that's why Smyths Toys stopped selling Britains!!
  9. Went for a look to the Bweeng Tractor Run today. Very good turnout. Had my brother in laws 4600 lined up for the run, only the water pump stopped working during week.. Next time maybe. Heres a few pics.. The Fendt 1050 was a real attraction at the run. First time seeing one in flesh.. What a beast of a machine..
  10. 7600 and buckrake... Like em.
  11. Good things come to those who wait... 😜
  12. I like that.. Might get one..
  13. So many different versions now of the 188. Would make more since if they badged it a 178, just to mix it up a little.
  14. Yeah I know.... But do you have a name or contact for the guy with the loose unboxed Britains??
  15. Who is the guy selling the vintage Britains Cyril..?
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