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Posts posted by Andy

  1. I could/would bring a display about the same as Toytrac provided there was overnight security arrangements (lockup storage perhaps) as my models are too valuable to leave in my car overnight or in an unattended marquee.  Taking models up to my room would be a nightmare.

    You could also mailshot the Model Farmer readers to help fill it

    I believe Springfields has an overnight security guard Sue.

  2. I have spoken to Colin about the discussion we have been having on here and he certainly appreciates that space is the issue when it comes to displays, dioramas and generally as a problem point for expanding the show. He was in agreement that it would probably add something to the event too but of course there would be factors to consider before any additional firm planning decision was made.

    However, IF FTF was to play a role in sourcing and managing a marquee to bolt on to the exisiting show (as an initial step for developing the event), could we:

    1. Count on the support from you, the membership, to help fill it with displays, dioramas and anything else we can think of to enhance the event?

    2. Would FTF members be more inclined to attend as visitors?

    I must stress that nothing has been agreed as additional costs, car parking and other technical bits and bobs would need to be resolved.

    That said, there is potential here, so lets carry on the discussion / debate. I would be interested in those who would be on the borderline or attending as visitors of exhibitors, in terms of particular requirements or conditions you may place on making a decision? :)

  3. Was anyone successful on those Fordsons last weekend? Thanks for the link Sue. I think that model is an Empire Made Fordson. These were slightly smaller than the chad valleys, but all the same, finding them, is proving increasingly difficult!

    edit! The seller correctly describes it as Empire made in the description, but calls it Chad Valley in the Title.

  4. I think Spalding is still a good location (you may think I'm biased!!) but with the new road now being finished, it cuts travel time from Peterborough down to about 15 minutes. It does not however solve the issue of room for dioramas and displays.

    For a fair sized lined / floored marquee (400 m 2), it would probably cost around £1500 to £3000 as a bolt on to the event. It would then perhaps be an idea (to trial for starters) the concept of introducing displays and layouts into this, along with a few other new components. All combined with an attempt at a two day event. If this additional space can be filled and can be seen to increase visitors to the show (over the course of the two days), it would perhaps give greater scope to then build a plan of eventually "upping sticks" to a larger exhbition venue.

  5. I would like to think something could evolve from the Spalding april event. It has only been in the last 4 - 5 years that farm layouts and custom building seem to have really kicked off. It did of course, go on before but the following for it was far less than now. I guess thats why Spalding (at least in April) became the show to go to because it is great for buying / selling. As each year goes on though, the hobby evolves and new aspects certainly need integrating into the show. There is no denying that with the internet, many people who previously attended spalding for the new model releases, no longer do so. This in turn reduces show sales for exhibitors and then morale drops.

    For those interested in customs, brochures, older models and other bits and pieces, I would argue there is still no better event in the UK but there HAS to be something for everyone and something to generate enthusiasm for those visitors attending, but more importantly, provide incentive for those who do not attend.

  6. The trouble with some of the larger venues (I can think of a zwolle-esque one in peterborough) is the cost. For example, if the show was moved, could the majority of people reading this be sure that they would attend, either as a visitor or perhaps supporting the show with a layout or custom models on display?

    It seems a good show is as much about the passion and support from people attending than the venue, which I think is why zwolle is so good. In my opinion, that passion and support for a single event is perhaps not replicated as much over here. I guess partly due to there not being one particular show that stands out from the crowd.

    Many people choose between toytrac, spalding, penrith, Moira, Portrush and others, which is of course fair enough due to costs but if there was one significant stand out Zwolle type event boasting superior room, more stands, facilities, customs, dioramas + the complete works, would you attend it? Even if you lived over 100+ miles away, or in another country perhaps. And if not, why? Honest answers please too!  :)

    But If the answer is yes...lets get to it then  :P

  7. I think the problem is space Ol. The venue at Spalding is probably a 1/4 of that at Zwolle. I have spoken to the organisers about mixing it up more at Spalding on a number of occasions but selling space vs allocating free space for layouts and custom displays is seen as a no brainer (in favour of selling).

    Your right though. It does knock the socks off anything here in the UK  :'(

  8. Great model this. Heavy and plenty of diecast on it. Having not seen one in real life, it does seem large for 1/32! About the same length as the Lexion. Boom width is also huge! I think a few areas let the item down a touch, but all in all, quite impressed. Is this actually Norscot? I dont see any Norscot printing on the box or model.


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