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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Hi Adam, welcome to the forum, enjoy your time on here. I'm sure we can help you make your collection bigger and your bank balance smaller :D
  2. More painting of root trailers and beet harvesters. Trying out a special colour scheme on one of the trailers, pics to come in a couple of days time
  3. I can smell something......... :D Look further up the page at earlier replies :D
  4. Not 100% sure on this but you could try Plasti-Kote Lawn Green if your local Halfords stock it, I know mine has it. If not find a good picture of a Fraser in a magazine and take it with you to compare with the can lids. Also remember that what colour primer you use will affect the colour of the top coat you use, red or grey will make it darker than yellow or white
  5. This is a headache for the company I work for too, several of their customers who buy oil in this way have no way of disposing of the cans other than throwing them in a skip. It's something Marky and myself were discussing the other week in regards to how well the baler would handle the 5 and 25 litre containers
  6. Wonder if his other half knows what he's been looking at........... :D :D
  7. Painting more beet harvester parts and starting to paint up a batch of root trailers ready for Spalding
  8. Sorry to hear that Tris, hope everything works out ok for you. You know where we are if you want someone to talk to
  9. Anyone would think that you were married to a teacher............ :D
  10. I use Holts car paints myself and they cost about ?3.49-?3.99 for a can
  11. Hope that comes off with taking the baler to the tractor like your new one, at least that should put our concern to bed over the lift capacity on it Can only see a red cross where the logo should be \
  12. I always use yellow filler primer beneath JD green. The best way to do it is to build it up in thin coats in a warm environment, if the air is damp and cold you will get a very cloudy dull finish to your paint work. Decals are available from Henri Walker, just email him for details walkerparts@planet.nl
  13. Thanks Mandy I haven't seen her today but Mum says the whole left side of Nans face is swollen and she can't open her left eye. The problem with her house is the stairs are so small and steep ( i have to go up them with my feet sideways ) that it just isn't safe, so far she hasn't fallen down them luckily. She tripped over a bit of stick outside and landed on the concrete path full force \
  14. I have seen some orange Tracfor models too so not quite sure on that one. Maybe Greame can shed some light on it as I seem to remember reading that he drove one at one time somewhere \
  15. Here's a 103-54 in the same colour
  16. Thats a genuine one by Renault Mark, seen a few other models in that colour
  17. Thought I'd bring this back to life specially for KIWINZ
  18. You can be as sensible as you like, the fact is as its being used for business purposes you have to have a certificate for it, its a 3 day course dealing with the safety and maintainence side of things as well as logging. A farm locally here had this as one of their failings and ended up with a fine over ?100,000 from HSE. This is what HSE says: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg317.pdf To my mind a chainsaw is the most dangerous piece of hand held kit there is,myself and many others think the sale of them to people without some form of training should be prohibited. Would you know when the chain and bar is worn beyond tolerances without the training?
  19. Well we have Nan here at the minute, she has 13 stitches on her forehead and a bad cut on the bridge of her nose, she looks quite bad and swollen but is quite high spirited despite the injuries
  20. That certainly is an old 2wd Renault
  21. Try Fiat Broom yellow with either a white or yellow primer
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