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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Happy Birthday Marky, have a good one You've already had a present from me so don't say I never give you nothing :D :D
  2. I think it would be a "niche" item Ricky, may sell in small quantities but its not something that I would think would sell in a quantity worth mass producing this end of Europe \ I would imagine the ones you did sell would go to die hard collectors or Germany etc
  3. Cheers mate, she's talking ok and didn't knock herself out which is one thing but just has sky high blood pressure It's not the council round here, its the housing authorites which look after that, she's currently in 2 bedroom house with very steep stairs, its taken a lot of persuasion by us to get her to agree to a bungalow but they won't let her have a 2 bed one despite my aunt coming to stay with her regularly to keep an eye on her, they say she only qualifies for a one bedroom one \ Cheers Mark
  4. My 81 yr old grandmother having a fall outside and cutting her forehead open and under her eye open when she hit the coal bunker. She's now being taken to hospital by ambulance after being found by my uncle just after it happened. Maybe now the authorites will take note and find her a warden controlled bungalow as this wouldn't have happened then, its the 3rd fall in 18 months
  5. Looks good, nothing better than cutting up logs on a cold day. I just hope that HSE don't come creeping around or you don't have a mishap with the chain saw as it's actually breaking the law for you to be using it at your age. You also need a maintainence and cross-cutting certificate as you are being paid for it, went through all this in the past when I was using them in my job
  6. Not very I don't think Mark, seen several come up on ebay lately
  7. I can't remember seeing that one Brian, if there was it must be like hens teeth \
  8. I think it was one of the better models that Siku made at that time in the early 90's, did miss one on ebay last year. Wish I'd got one when they were in the shops
  9. Are you sure it wasn't a conversion from an Ertl one as they do come up from time to time under a search for Siku on ebay. Some of them are built by members on this site
  10. I would imagine the Deutz Fahr trailed forage harvester is another one that is hard to come by, I've been trying for a couple of years now without success \
  11. Looks like standard yellow filler primer to me Texas
  12. It is certainly cosy, not a good place to be though without a proper cartridge type spraying mask though
  13. Try looking through the topic here:- http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=12229.0 We had a debate over a year ago on glue so you should find some useful information in there
  14. I bought a 10 x 6 shed just before Xmas, have 2 5' strip lights in it and a 2.5kw fan heater, manage to get a brilliant finish on the paint now was a problem in the pre shed days though
  15. It doesn't work like that, you don't ring up a contractor the day before you want them and say can you come tomorrow, you have to fit in with their workload so it may well be too wet when they get to you. In the case of the contractor I worked for they spread in excess of 500,000 tons of much a year with between 6 and 8 spreaders over an area spanning from Chatteris in Cambridgeshire down to the other side of Ipswich in Suffolk, this includes all of Norfolk so there is no way you could guarantee they would get to you in ideal conditions
  16. Not when you're contracting, thats the way you lose customers. We stopped the contractor spreading where I used to work when it was wet as it took too much work to sort the fields out afterwards. When I later worked for that contractor, no one there liked spreading in the wet as it gave the firm a bad name
  17. Think you might have been dreaming Simon :D In case anyone missed Marky's pics, here is the prototype of the tractor
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