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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I only say that as I had a 6f one crack and split on the front furrow width slide, luckily it dropped in a field not on the road. It wasn't even 2 years old at the time. My mate had a 4f one do the same only on the road so it appears to be a weak point
  2. Nice pics Mart I wonder if that Bugle and Flute has cracked up yet.................
  3. Thats putting it mildly, when it struggles with 5 furrows on light land it's definately gutless Valtra have to be the only people I know who would send a 50kph tractor out without having front suspension fitted :o They are a nice tractor to drive though, the first newer tractor I drove was a 1996 Valmet, they do have a lot of grunt under the bonnet, and, as Marcus said, a lovely spacious cab. Gear options were 36 x 36 without creeper and 48 x 48 with creep gear fitted, one for every job in there. I don't even know who the local dealer is here now but there are a few about in the area. Not many problems to report with them, some of the early 8000 series ones had head trouble but it was a minor issue. Here's the 8200 that I drove, 11 years old and still going strong
  4. No problems Marcus, i thought that as I was depressed with not being on the farm at the minute i might as well try to share the feeling with others....... Jobsearch day in the paper today though....watch this space :D
  5. The whole reason behind posting them is that they are funny and because of that they will probably stick in your mind better than a list of rules typed out in a post
  6. This one is better still :D
  7. I know, it once took me all afternoon to take off a 100m stretch of roadside bank and ditch that hadn't been done for 15 years, brambles as tall as the tractor, it was mid summer, a JD 2850 without air con, it was hot work but I loved every minute of it. The finished result was worth it and the bosses were thrilled with it. Nothing better than a big job like that to give you a sense of pride in your work
  8. I am sooooooo jealous > At job interviews I've been to, farmers are always shocked when I say thats one of my favourite jobs :D
  9. The whole fleet has long since been sold off now, only the odd bit or two of the original kit is still there Managed to find the topic I posted up of the Lexions and CR980 all working together in my last harvest there......knew it was here somewhere http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=10518.0
  10. Gav836


    Here you go Rich, came up ok in the advanced search http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=8623.0
  11. Gav836


    I used to hate loading on the right of the chopper but the then driver said it was the only way to do it in his opinion.......arrogant little runt that he was and because it was his baby even when I drove it it HAD to be done HIS way as he was on the trailer. I'd much rather load from the left myself, as would the other trailer drivers in the team, my preference stems from combine driving...... after all which side is the unloading auger on
  12. Nearest you will get is Rover Applejack green with a white primer, its what i used for the Claas coloured Bunnings trailer I posted pictures of the other week
  13. Orange Broadband! 8 weeks ago I upgraded my package to wireless, I still haven't recieved the Livebox from them so I rang them today........what fun.......a call centre of oriental decent with very quiet phonelines and a gentle who although did speak fairly good english found it hard to work out what I meant when I asked if new software was included with it (lappy is Vista so won't accept old Orange discs). After 20 minutes it turned out that they have sent it to the wrong address so who knows where that disappeared to At least this PC hasn't died just yet or I'd have been in a right muddle
  14. Always looking, been turned down for two so far this year \ Cheers mate. I had a trick for that, I never looked behind me, if you look at the pictures you can probably see the wing mirrors are angled downwards, I used to have them set so I could watch the track of 1 hoe unit in each mirror to make sure it was on the rows
  15. No, he's the neighbour to this guy, its who i went to work for for 6 months, he owns bugger all land but does a lot of spreading contracting and silage
  16. Gunthers chaps are all leaving then Only be scared if you hurt his Defender :D :D
  17. Yeah, Oliver isn't a bad chap at all, he has borrowed spreaders and had straw off the chaps I was working for last harvest. have you met Vernon yet?
  18. Oh dear, you aren't working for Oliver are you........ :D
  19. The driver loves it too, it got stopped halfway up a very steep hill by a red traffic light harvest time with a Bunnings 18 ton trailer full of wheat (about 23 tonnes with trailers weight), that hill kills a tractor anyway when you just drive up it without that happening. He reckons he stuck it in low range, floored it, the front suspension lifted right up, there was a big cloud of black smoke and the old thing heaved away at the grand speed of 5kph, it was a struggle though so she has some grunt! Not a contractor at he min, working on models and delivering oil 2 or 3 days a week self employed
  20. Yeah, all the time but they made me redundant, I left kicking and screaming :'( :'( :'( :'(
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