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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. We had one where I used to work, couldn't steer the tractor without a drill on the back to balance it out What model Renault is that?
  2. Thats about right, tell them they look nice tonight, they say well don't I normally then. Get used to it Nick, it won't get any better : :D
  3. No problems, thought you might like them. The railings are just on those two sides, it is hard against a hedge at the back and a shed on the other side
  4. Last one for now- this is the joystick that controls the Quicke QD75 loader on the McCormick, fitted to the right hand armrest and is less than 3 inches tall, controls the lift, tilt and, by holding in the button on the side the grab/release on the attachment Bit different from yours I believe Colm :D
  5. You may have noticed that they all were against the railings, think it might have something to do with me parking this the 10 feet away from them (pic 1) fairly large cattle shed height wise
  6. A couple of the newer members to the herd
  7. A few for the cattle fans now from the farm I delivered some hay and haylage to this afternoon
  8. The beet I drilled earlier this month is now through here so it needs a drink, the spring rape went in this week so it just leaves the hemp to get in next month now after we have taken first cut off the grass Here's a few more pics of the McCormick and the rolls taken today
  9. First thing my boss said this morning was shame it's not raining The ley's I'm rolling are getting to the hard as concrete stage now, everything needs a drink so it can take the nitrogen up that we put on last week and over the holiday weekend
  10. This roller was made locally and I was told it weighs in at 6-7 tonnes, it's filled up with water....officially, unofficially waste oil by the looks of what leaks out occassionally :D
  11. Gav836

    My working week

    I hope you had the door open on the 106 so you could appreciate that wonderful engine note they have
  12. Its a change alright and not one for the better \ They are much better like that, it belongs to our neighbour and do a lot of road miles so its nice and easy to get about
  13. If you think you can do better I'll gladly let you drive that red thing :D :D
  14. It's straight you cheeky g!t, there's a slight ridge across the field making it look bendy :D
  15. Sounds like he could be related to my old boss, he used to get just enough fertiliser for the area shown on the satellite measured field maps.....unfortunately they didn't allow for hills, holes, scoots (short work, running land, whatever you want to call them) or overlap. We all know every field is perfectly level like the satellite says, one field was 5 acres out!!! Normally had to order more in, one year it was 11 tonnes
  16. Rolls are end tow on the road
  17. Been out flat rolling grass today with the McCormick MC135, got a few phone pics but will try to get some better ones tomorrow
  18. The stuff near me was getting on for 3m+ tall when it finished growing last season Jason
  19. Seen one working about a mile from me two years ago, local estate grows it
  20. I'd guess that that is a Miscathus (elephant grass) planting machine, am I anywhere near
  21. Getting a bit of last years beet ground disced up with the Ford 8770 and Solo ready for spring OSR then delivered a 40ft trailer of straw to a local farm, 55 bales What he hasn't said is it's lovesickness. Our resident penguin is in love :D
  22. The one I used to used was a blue and yellow one but it still had KRM decals on, was brand new when we got it in 2004 and was one of the first in that colour scheme to be sold by the dealer, very accurate at all speeds, I used to go at 14kph with it. EX trend model
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