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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. cheers Mike, its about 10 years since i last saw one here now
  2. Certainly would have, the big boys often over look such a simple thing though which is quite a good thing for us at times
  3. Looking good Marcus. Think they actually look better as a tandem axle
  4. Well I've made two so far out of small wire, just got to make a jig up for them but I think it will work
  5. If I can lay my hands on more details as per my wanted ad a couple of months back for any pneumatic spreader leaflets then I'll pick it up
  6. Cheers Colm I'm experimenting with making spring tines at the minute, looking promising so we'll see
  7. Very true Marcus, I replaced my Fourtrak with a 90, I can't think of any other vehicle I'd rather have than one or the other of them
  8. I'd guess that P plate ones were the first 60 series models, the 40 series were still available on an R plate and as models overlaped in the ranges that must have been the change over period so would be 1996 onwards, Never seen one on an N plate, where's SPN or FNHIR when you need them :D
  9. It's finally raining here, first time for 5-6 weeks ;D ;D
  10. Strange, must be your computer then Thanks Sean, thought I'd give a big one a try just to see what they'd look like. Just need a large classic to try them out on now
  11. Thanks and yes, the rollers rotate. I don't use super glue too much anymore as it tends to fail after a while and things fall apart as a few of my seeder conversion customers are aware so i tend to use Araldite for most glueing along with Plastic weld/Liquid Poly, super glue only for wires and pipes now. Thanks for the tip though Thanks Ben. Its a tank elevator off a Tim beet harvester
  12. Been experimenting today with a 6m folding one, would welcome any feedback on it please
  13. Looks good Mike but how's about making the booms fold like they do on the real Amazone one, theres a good challenge for you
  14. They were made by FDI? Sambron, used to be a 13m one in the original orange/grey livery on a farm locally
  15. We have 2 bits of forward grass, both have to be off by mid may for hemp to be planted. We also have spring rape seed in the ground which could be a write off if it doesn't rain soon, barley is coming into ear at barely 15 inches tall so straw is not looking good either at the minute \
  16. Yeah just the odd few thousand bales here and there :D Little grass being appropriate words at the minute though because if we don't soon get some rain there won't be much to cut \
  17. Now that my little teaser is done with, I'll post the pics from today Been washing down and going over the grass kit ready for this season. First up is the Lely Splendimo 2.8m mower conditioner Lely Hibiscus 461 single rotor rake Lely Lotus 600 + AWS tedder
  18. Thanks, my fingers still have glue on them from sticking all of those spikes into the frame, very fiddly with big fingers \
  19. You won't in this country, well that age anyway as they were for the German market I believe, Sanderson wouldn't let them sell them over here as it would be competition for them It's all memories for me as well as Dad sold these between 1987 and 1997
  20. Found it! This is the one that it is based loosely on, if not the 11-30 here it was its bigger brother the 11-40
  21. No it isn't those ones, they are a version of the later Sanderson TL6 and TL7 machines, the 911T is based on an earler Teleporter 2, have a leaflet on the Sanderson version somewhere
  22. Yeah, without the job there would be no model making as it's supporting it at the minute, lack of funds lately has caused my model making to dry up, damned bills
  23. Yes they did Nick, the Ranger 911T which was a badge engineered Sanderson in reality, got one somewhere but can't find it at the minute
  24. Not easy at all, what was going to be 3 days a week has turned into 5 or 6 so i've had less time than I thought, no bad thing in a way though as I need the money
  25. Dragged the two Welger balers out of the shed and started to go through them getting them ready for this year, hemp is a complete sod to get out of them!! Got the combine out of the shed as well ready for a blow down and wash tomorrow
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