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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. well they say that tomorrow never comes ...............................................

    any progress gav ?

    weeeeeeelllll its had a second coat of paint and its sitting here beside me, thats about as far as its got. Other than the beet harvesterI've done sod all on models in the past few weeks, just not had the enthusiasm with work as well but now thats quietened down again I should be able to get going on them again :);)

  2. Only kidding.

    Gav, any idea where I can get some of the greenstar units from the front of the cabs on the siku JD's.

    Are you going to make a JD black and yellow barrell and pump?

    Leave that one with me ;):)

    well done gav , i saw the post & thought , 'i bet it's a hardi '

    :D :D :D like that alot

    my old boss has a sprayer , greenframework & red tanks , what make would they be then ?

    Cheers Marcus, did think about a Berthoud but as I already had paint to suit a Hardi I went with that one :)

    I know the sprayers you mean, can even remember seeing one but can't put a mame to it at the minute :-\

    I love it, are you going to build any more??  ;)

    If I can obtain the sprayers at the right price then I will be, not easy to come by cheap unfortunately :(

  3. Is anyone else quite amused to see that Gav has grass on his work bench!

    Looking good mate.

    Thanks :)

    Thats not my work bench you silly boy, just a board I use for pictures :D :D :D :D  Wouldn't let anyone see the work bench, its covered in top secret future projects ;D ;D

  4. great work gav just the size of sprayer i need, are you going to make a matching front tank  ???

    I keep looking at it laying here all lonely so i think i probably will do :);)

    Nice Gav. .. . that is a very nice little convo mate. lkicghfcuhjigh

    cheer's Tris, just off to get a jibberish dictionary now ::):D :D ;)

  5. very nice Gav, i'll send you some parts!! ;D ;D

    i was actually going to adjust the fixing on one of mine to the Siku adapter last summer but as usual forgot and did other things :D :D...might get around to it like doing MJB's plough convo ::)

    Feel free, the actual sprayer frame has to be trimmed by a few mm to get the A-frame in the right place or it sits too far back on the tractor :);)

  6. I know this method works for lawnmowers and such, but I am not sure if it will work for the larger tractors. Probably worth a try if you are not too busy. If the tyre is still in good condition, tie a rope around the tyre, and cinch it as tight as you can. Start blowing up the tire, if the beads are in good condition they will re-seat themselves on the wheel. Again I don't know if this method will work for larger tractors, but it may be worth a try.

    Yes it works on them Tim, I've used that method on a floataion tyre fitted to a 16 ton trailer only instead of a rope it was a ratchet strap :);)

  7. Looks the business Gav a few hoses etc will just finish it off a treat.. Nice set of 21 metre booms would be cracking.... ;)

    Cheers John, if the Commander or Tecnoma weren't so expensive it would get a wider set of booms fitted :-\

    yeap, we had a set at the farm, where the arms come fright past the cab, can't remember the make now, but they were blue with white tank, and a slighlty smaller front tank fitted to, with a sheet along the bottom of the tractor, will be mounted on a 575 like we had with row wheels fitted on the rear, was left like that all year rather than dismantled at the end of use

    Look forward to seeing it Sean, I'm guessing that they were probably Evrard ones that you had on the farm :)

  8. Looks awesome to me Gav, can't wait to see the finished product. A very nice finish to it all looks really good  ;)

    Cheers Nick :)

    aw gav beat me to it or what mate, got one half built in the shed for the fergys,with front tank though

    looks very nice i have to say

    Thanks Sean. So thats what you were after the sprayers for as well at Spalding then :)

  9. Been playing around with a cheap Britains Evrard sprayer that I got at Spalding today and have given it a make over into a Hardi machine with boom supports and altered boom folding. It also now mounts on a Siku A-frame adaptor as in its original form I know it was a complete begger to get onto a lot of tractors :-\  Still got a little bit to do to it in the way of hoses and shafts yet, but let me know what you think so far :);)

    From the side showing revised boom folding


    Boom support brackets


    A-frame mounting


  10. Blowing a front tyre on the Maxxum at about 2 on side of a hill, now waiting for the tyre fitter to arrive, who is an hour away, so will have to try and make up for this evening if I get going again.......so no yfc party for me, so I'm not very happy! The thing is we darn't leave it there either as its right next to the pikey camp and won't be there in one piece in the morning! >:( >:(>:(

    Sod's law strikes again.... Can you borrow a wheel of any of the other tractors?

  11. but why do you need to back with two rollers, when we used gang rollers you drove round in a special way (figure of 8 :-\) and if you were good you didnt have to back or anything, the arms etc fell into place, i keep trying to get it as a yfc tractor driving comp as no one ever uses them properly anymore like this they either back or use the teleporter as we now do :o

    That works fine when you are setting them out in the field but when you have to close them up it doesn't, not for anyone I know anyway

  12. shame that 9 times out of 10 i didn't have a loader , so just tested my patience trying to reverse two rollers onto one , some days it was easy other days the frustration get the better of you :-\

    but at least the cambridge rolls are lighter to move by hand than ballast ones  ;)

    True but our set were 26 inch diameter ones so were damned heavy to man-handle. I wish i had a pound for every time that I swore at them whilst trying to gang them up to move them about, un-folding them was easy, no hardship there if you got it right

  13. What is the transport position. ???

    Do all three sit behind each other  :-\

    Yes and as you can probably tell from Marcus's post above it is not an easy task to get them into that position, the damn things are like a supermarket trolley :-\ ::):D :D

  14. Nah mate i am kind of being turned Finish at the moment needed a break from green a bit fed up with the 6920's and 6820's i see every day. And i agree they seem to be a very very nice tractor to work away the hours in, i didn't feel uncomfortable alot of gadgets and widgets in there. The driver was happy with it and installed a PA system in there that they hook to their bale trailer in the farm shop when they do tours and stuff. Yup Valtras have definetly impressed me  :)

    Wait until you get to go in one of the newer range of Valtras, especially the T series. I think the gadgets, knobs and switches have been breeding ::);D:D :D

  15. Just as an all round livestock tractor, for mainly topping and baling. But the idea is that if we have a 6 cylinder loader tractor, we won't need a 4 cylinder loader tractor aswell as a main tractor, so swapping two for one, if that makes sense. ;)

    Makes sense like that, I would say consider a TS-A 135 or the equivelent T6*** model as the TS-A we have is much better than the McCormick, in comfort, visability, pulling grunt and build quality. After a day topping in the McCormick your ears would be ringing as its a noisy little thing. As a plus for loader work the NH also has a sunroof in it :);)

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