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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. i have seen a yellow one in the past, possibly industrial model?
  2. Looks a bit like an IH crawler to me, not too sure on that one though
  3. not seen one mib go cheap for quite a while now, unboxed one on ebay at minute from someone we know :D http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-BRITAINS-1-32-KVERNELAND-PNEUMATIC-SEED-DRILL-MIB_W0QQitemZ7009020901QQcategoryZ117196QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. Last ones that i saw on ebay went for over ?45 if thats any help, seems like they are highly sought after
  5. They do but they are few and far between, i've only ever seen one with solid mouldboards and my workmate has only ever seen the one they had with them. The slats are far more popular
  6. too late now, damage is done Nah i'll let you off just this once but only as you're a Land Rover man :D
  7. firstly i'm in Norfolk so he's even nearer to me-within 15 miles in fact secondly less of the cheek, and after all i done for you too :'( :D
  8. wish mine only had 3 furrows when it came to replacing metal, my 6 furrow takes a long while to change parts on, usually end up using an impact wrench to change the points and shares, takes a lot less time :D
  9. thought it might be going by the landsides - long one on the back and shorter on the rest, also went by leg design. Did the Rabe you were working with have the slatted bodies like most of them do or solid bodies?
  10. Some more good pictures there, is that a Rabe plough?
  11. great pics there, your windows look as bad as mine did before i cleaned them this morning
  12. i think i would have gone over to him and said 'i know you don't like this tractor but theres no need to try and set fire to it' :D
  13. Its been wet over our way but as we're drilling on very light land we've kept going, not many people can plough an hour after 14mm of rain has finished falling!! Both the Renaults are behaving so far though, i think the NH 8560 is causing more grief of late, it's getting past it now, 7500hrs and needs to go now to someone who will use it less. At least with James doing it you had a good chap as he knows what he's talking about on the electronic side of the Renaults.
  14. its going, not going to say too much at the minute as i don't want to tempt fate. I did have a suspension seal go yesterday but that's fixed now. Had a bad run in January which cost ?6000 in repairs and 1000hr services, most of it was to do with general wear and tear of a hard worked tractor with 3000hrs on the clock. Mostly ball joints on the front suspension, a hub seal and drive shaft, gear change cable, linkage fault, prop shaft bearing and new shaft and a couple of oil leaks. Not using the dealer from now on unless it's an electronic fault.
  15. B&G Spreaders, think they are based in Suffolk, they work in with Bunns at Gt Yarmouth. I've never heard of your chap, the only other contractor i know of locally is Peter Dennis who works out of Fakenham.
  16. Not seen much today as i've been in the middle of the farm, but we have had a terra-gator spreading fertiliser on the estate today along with a JCB 530-70 loading it. Hope to be able to get some pics of it tomorrow
  17. Very nice indeed, looks just like the real thing there, spot on!
  18. Gav836

    Renault Atles

    i hope that wasn't a dig at the mechanical problems my 836 has been having for the last 6 weeks :D
  19. Gav836

    Renault Atles

    like mine are most of the time then :D
  20. I have a copy of the Richard Western brochure in my tractor at work, if it would be of any help to you i could scan you a copy of the root trailers page with all of the dimensions on. As i said it doesn't look far out at all, just maybe a little short compared to the one we have at work.
  21. Very nice, not far out on the height side of things at all. 1cm off the top of the body may be enough though, seems to vary slightly between manufacturers though
  22. Gav836

    Renault Atles

    It's a wonder you had a plough left when you got to the end of the field with that on the front of it :D
  23. Gav836

    Renault Atles

    My ex boss tried everything out around the 260hp mark and the Atles won everytime. His latest purchase is a 3m Quivogne Tinemaster (like a simba solo), the rep told him that the Atles wouldn't pull it when he asked for a demo of it. Lets just say that the rep left with his tail between his legs and had one very smug farmer with a new toy on his hands, the Atles even outpulls his challenger on it :D
  24. Gav836

    Renault Atles

    No chance, you can keep it! my 836 is much better than an Atles as far as i'm concerned. The chap i used to work for ran Atles's, out of the first 2 he had they both had new engines and gearboxes before 3000hrs. Theres a long list of the trouble he had with them apart from that as well including shattered diff's, he's got rid of both of them now, Claas stopped paying for the problems to be sorted so they had to go, he did replace them with Atles's though as nothing else matches the pulling power of them, not even his challenger. Although my 836 has been a bit of a bugger lately its not been no where near as much trouble as that
  25. Looks like a richard western to me sean
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