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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Yeah, should only take 15 minutes but its just that little bit too heavy and awkward to do by yourself
  2. Go forth and multiply.......its a two man job lifting that damn great lump into place
  3. The Standen parts book, ordered a new web drive motor this morning using the dealers book as the harvester had suffered a pump and motor failure yesterday, went to Ely and collected it, we fitted it and then tried to run the machine..........the digger web was going too slow, turns out the motor was for an older version of our machine and we needed the 250cc motor out of my book. No one thought to mention that there had been a change of motors from 400cc to 250cc this morning so I've just got back from my second trip of the day to Ely
  4. If you have any garden centres near you Josh give them a try for the mustard seed as well as several companies packet it as a green manure for the veg patch
  5. Part exchanged my old 12g semi auto and .410 shotguns fot a new Webley And Scott over and under 12g for less than most new ones would cost
  6. Oh believe me we've tried every way possible from the helpfull suggestions to being blunt with him but its like talking to a brick wall, within 10 minutes he's back to his old ways. It comes to something when visiting lorry drivers are making comments to us about him when they pick up full bulkers I've left him a week without saying anything to him in a hope that without any comments he may just get on with it and improve through practice himself as I myself wondered if I was giving him too much input in trying to guide him..........wrong, he steadily went downhill again. Unfortunately whilst having our chat yesterday in which I did keep calm (not sure how) I did have to tell him that if he hit the back of the elevator again he would be paying me £60 to replace my CCD camera on the back of it (if it was broken of course) that I use for seeing into trailers and for knowing where the back is to guide them as he almost ripped it off the last two times so I think a third hit would be pushing it, they aren't that strong \
  7. He's only got two more weeks with us now, thats 14 more X's on my calender What none of us can work out is how he actually starts off well on a new task then gets WORSE at it the more he does it \
  8. Try a bamboo cane, works well in training an unruley dog, you don't have to hit them with it but they know the threat is there, well it worked with Buster anyway
  9. He did do it then as well, while discussing this with my boss yesterday he did admit to stopping the combine in a hurry and leaping out of the cab to have a "chat" with him about the same things during harvest as I had done as well
  10. No more so than I need to with variable crop and soil flow over the harvester. The main incident happened when I stopped at the end of the field and he didn't. I don't quite know if he thought I was going to try and drive through the wood in front of me or not
  11. Thats because you're getting old Marky, all you can do these days is imagine about such things ;D
  12. He's still being sheepish around me, might have something to do with the fact I showed him all the damage he's done to the elevator over the past week through dragging it on the trailer backwards, forwards and sideways along with reading him the riot act about not paying enough attention to what he's doing. He then said to me 10 minutes later his ideal job when he leaves college would be one like mine, main tractor driver and workshop person...........afraid I told him to lower his sights a bit I don't want to be too cruel to the boy but you can tell when someones got the skills needed in him and, well, I just can't see it and neither can anyone else on the farm \
  13. Guess who.....yup him again, our student > He's avoiding me and alsp being very sheepish when he is around me at present as I think he lip read what I said when he nearly ripped the cart elevator off the potato harvester not once but twice this afternoon within 5 minutes through not paying attention > I think he's worried that I may carry out my threat of wrapping my 50mm spanner around his head
  14. Thats exactly what my boss said to me......I said as if I would and he said yes for some reason.............. ;D
  15. Being proved right today at work. Ever since we started harvesting potatoes last week we've had bruising problems, I said at the outset that it was the amount of stone going through the harvester with the spuds but my boss wouldn't have it. We were running a smaller web than the destoner has fitted so it picked up stuff missed by that (40mm over 45mm spacing). We've had the top man out from the potato group and he's confirmed what I suspected so we've fitted the new 45mm web I ordered for this year tonight and it should cure the problem, even my boss is making a joke of it with the other chaps asking if I'm going round saying I told him so to them ;D
  16. Not been at ye olde Stowford Press have you Trissle ;D
  17. When did I say that Mr Hobbit? Welcome to the forum Emily, enjoy your time here and hopefully you can find lots of usefull information on here
  18. Its just the light Mark, the mudguards aren't metal on the tractor so would smash instead of denting, not that I want to test that one
  19. No problems with excess moisture here at the moment..... Smile for the camera ;D
  20. It minimises bruising risk from the haulm roller Ol, with the tops on they tend to get dragged in and bash the tubers on the way through
  21. Its the moving up and changing over of the bulkers he just stands by and watches without attempting to help with, I have shown him how to use a brush.........that was before I threatened to insert it somewhere bristle end first and without vaseline if he didn't buck his ideas up a few weeks back ;D
  22. Well apparently he has helped out somewhere before, what doing I'm not sure but at the moment he's heading mach 1 towards being used as a device to test the bruising abilities of my spud harvester
  23. Unsurprisingly our student, he seems incapable of driving beside the potato harvester unaided, I spend 75% of my time watching him and altering the discharge elevator on his loads as he can't keep to a straight line and is weaving all over the place, one minute hard against the elevator and the next I can hardly reach him. The other chap is getting tired of him too now as he's just standing around not helping in the yard despite being shown numerous times. Words are being had with the boss tomorrow as things just can't carry on like this in the current conditions with the speed we're lifting at, volume of crop and quantity of top and stones at times, I've got enough to contend with with the harvester let alone loading someones trailer for them.
  24. The variety is Saturna Niels The box isn't that big really, it just looks it with the two screens and my workshop made light switch box wrapped around it. I find the box nice and clear and simple to operate. The computer screen is usefull as well as I can tweak cut out pressures and diagnose faults from the seat now with the electrical and hydraulic system........todays as been imminent failure of the cleaner table motors so we're down for the day tomorrow to replace the pair of them
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