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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Got it in one, our sugarbeet contractor used to have a massive AS dump trailer with its own oil reservoir and pto powered pump on it as there were no tractors available that could tip it due to the amount of oil that it needed to get the two rams up. It was on a JD 7700 or 7800 if I remember rightly, trailer has since been replaced with a Bailey Beeteaper that causes no such problem
  2. This 7 piece hardwood patio set from Focus, original price £359.99, closing down sale price £89.99, been after some garden furniture for 2 years but always been too expensive, glad I waited now
  3. Some idiot undoing and opening the gate into one of the meadows our cows are on overnight last night. The cows had been free range for several hours having trampled through one 35 acre spud field, luckily keeping up one end of it and then through a 66 acre wheat field which is where they stayed all huddled up one corner next to the gate to another meadow where another group of our cows are on. We will be putting a padlock on the field in future, strange that its the field next to the one our irrigation pipes were pulled about on the other week......coincidence? I think not
  4. and both of them will be before the third one too ;D
  5. If I lived closer Mandy I'd bring my welder and an extension lead round and weld the doors shut on it, that would certainly make life interesting for him ;D
  6. I have an equally sized collection of brochures on their potato kit as well Niels, will get round to posting it up when I get a minute
  7. This topic has been moved to Customisations and Scratchbuilds for Sale. [iurl]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=33781.0[/iurl]
  8. Fastracs are very much a Marmite tractor, you either love them or hate them. The new ones are better than the older models, our neighbour runs nothing but Fastracs and the blokes do like them for comfort but they do have reliability issues with them and the steering lock is less than brilliant for some jobs. As a transport tractor they are well at home, I've had the misfortune to plough with an older 3185 and the gearbox was abysmal for field work, in order to go up one gear to go slightly faster it was a case of change down one range and up one gear, the gearstick itself was best described as like moving a spoon in a buck of sh....er treacle The 3290 I demo'd a few years back was a slight improvement though, still not a big fan of them for draft operations though personally
  9. There's no such thing as a good pot noodle, vile things to be avoided at all costs
  10. Toolstation.....I placed an order Wednesday evening that was meant to be delivered today, everything was listed in stock when I ordered it. 10 minutes ago I get a phonecall from them saying one item was out of stock and did I want them to send everything else out anyway......now considering they promise fast next day delivery I would call that very poor customer service. You aren't going to tell me that it took them 36 hours to find out one item I ordered wasn't in stock before they contacted me about it. The items are now coming Monday when I'm back at work so there is no one here to sign for them, they've not given me a good impression of their service on my first and subsequently my last order I'll place with them
  11. You'll have to spray part tank fulls in order to get the best out of it without a turbo ;D
  12. Or Norfolk obviously as we have barely enough horsepower on our 3200l sprayer with 120hp on the front at times
  13. Definately go for the old Britains Chafer sprayer, its the right era for the tractor as well as the right sort of size. The Hardi Commander is too big for a 3080
  14. My welder decided it was going to cease to exist a while back so I've been keeping my eyes open for a good quality replacement for it and after I had a "good" month workwise during May I've finaly bought one. Instead of going for a bog standard transformer type machine again I've bought a little inverter welder for about the same price from a company called R-Tech Welding, a UK based company and it came with a 2 year warranty as well for added peace of mind Comes in a nice carry case.... Small compared to a transformer type machine and only weighs 5.5kg Hopefully it will be as good as it looks and cost under £150 which is less than the likes of Machine Mart are charging for cheaper branded machines with less warranty
  15. Just had a complete blast from the past, had a parcel delivered by UPS and the driver was someone I last saw when We left school at the same time 14 years ago
  16. The few Standen self propelled harvester brochures that I have, this is where I have the most gaps in my collection currently 1) Cyclone MkIV 2) Tornado 3) Challenger, exceptionally rare to see a real one due to very few being made
  17. 13) Talisman 14) Thyregod T5, Not built by Standens but imported by them during the 90's 15) Standen Factory Refurbished Harvesters 16) 1999 Standen Sugar Beet Price List
  18. 7) Sceptre 8 ) Sceptre Mk 2, Turbo Four, Turbobeet Mk 3 and Top Saver 9) Spectrum 10) Spectrum Mk 2 11) Rapide MkII 12) Rapide Mk 3
  19. I've been collecting literature on Standens range of sugarbeet mahinery now for the past few years focusing from the 1970's onwards to when they ceased production of trailed harvesters. There's still a few gaps in the collection to fill which I hope to do as and when the relevant brochures come up for sale. I've concentrated on Standen inparticular as there were a lot of their machines working in my area when I was growing up. I'll just put pictures of the cover of each brochure up and then if anyone wants more of that brochure I'll post more in depth pictures up 1) Tractor Hoe 2) Lifter Loader Mk II 3) Multibeet Standard Topper, used with the above or any of the trailed lifters 4) Multibeet/Multibeet Topper 5) Turbobeet & MkII Lifter Loader with 3 row Standard Topper 6) Turbobeet
  20. I did nearly put something along those lines in reply to your status on Facebook but thought I'd resist and behave myself just this once ;D
  21. Would that have been a variable geometry turbo that failed then as that certainly has been heard of on a certain brand of engine/tractor, I know of one tractor that had 3 fitted within two years on a farm nearby
  22. Our neighbour planted it under plastic two years ago but only the areas that he was planning to combine for the grain, the areas that he planned to clamp were drilled without. Both came through at the same time but within 3 weeks the maize under the plastic was considerably further forward than that without. I would imagine it proved a costly exercise as he's never done it since.
  23. First I've heard of it, never hear of any turbo failures on them locally. As for your Turbo Andy, thats certainly not an isolated incident, my ex workmate's 55 reg Seat tdi had the turbo blow on it last year at fairly low miles also the same week as he'd planned to change it. Definately seems to be the weak link on an otherwise solid engine. As for what annoyed me today, some absolute cretin thought it would be amusing to pull our irrigation pipes apart at some point over the past 10 days, it was purely by luck that it was the first watering of the field today so I drove the line and spotted them. They picked their place so it was somewhere we might have not looked otherewise, halfway along a 500m run of them on one headland. Would have caused a lot of hard work had we not noticed and turned the main hydrant on >
  24. I can't help you with the grab as its a different type to one our friend had, his would pick up the 6 bales endways and not crossways however I think you are correct that there may be a spring missing from the sledge, it looks like that bar should hold the first bale at the front of the sledge to me only letting it slide back once the second is in contact with it. Its about 15 years since I last saw this set up in operation so struggling to remember how it works
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