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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. We've had our first beet of the year lifted yesterday so I've been ploughing behind them, I can't ever remember the ground being so dry at this time of the year before, its so hard and dry under the surface that the plough points are too hot to touch when they come out of the ground! My Case has had a slight technical fault on it yesterday afternoon with the diff-lock solenoid meaning that the diff-lock was stuck on despite me not using it so I had the 6910 on the plough until lunch time today when it was all sorted. Back on the Puma at this point which ended up getting plastered in crap thanks to this lot
  2. Gav836

    Robbo's Photos

    And at one time cheap compared to other brands and a bit like a Skoda used to be in many respects, you either love them or hate them
  3. I did indeed after you pointed out an Isuzu garage...........I can't help it if you have shiney paint syndrome
  4. It was, never mind the bags of dog wotsit laying about as well ;D It was worth the 3am start just to see you try and suspend yourself off a Land Rover door catch ;D
  5. Auto Command or Power Command Tris? Make sure you get it right this time ;D
  6. Count me in again as well, its worth it just to see if his Lordship rips the ass out of his trousers on a door catch again let alone the show itself ;D
  7. We had a Condor belonging to a local firm of contractors come in to spray our rape off this year, the driver couldn't sing its praises enough over the Sands and John Deere machines that they also run, I won't even repeat his comments on one of those two machines I've never seen sprayer booms with so much steel in them as what these had, looked a really well built machine
  8. I beleive we've done 80-85 out of 100 so far as thats all the spare shed space we had at the moment, the rest will be done as soon as this lot are outside. Kale is ok as a feed but they need planty of straw with it, we'll never put out youngstock onto it again though after we lost two to nitrate poisoning two years ago when we tried it. They love the taste of it and stuff themselves on it to the point that their digestive systems can't cope so we just put the cows on it now. We use the Redstart as an alternative to stubble turnips as we always seemed to struggle to get a good crop of them due to flea beetle and root flies, they don't affect this too much. It works well for us as it saves us a considerable amount of money and time having them outside in the open and the cows seem happier out there as well.
  9. We're kicking our lot back outside tomorrow, they came in for weaning on Monday and the cows will be off out onto 10 acres kale tomorrow, once thats eaten off they will be working their way through 50 acres of Redstart kale/forage rape hybrid, all strip grazed, while their offspring remain inside now until they are sold in February. The cows themselves won't be coming in again now until January ready for when they start calving in February.
  10. Been to a ploughing match organised by my old Young Farmers Club today, its the first one they've held for many years and it was also one of the most well attended ones locally this autumn. Looks like they are going to make it annual event now
  11. To be quite honest Tris the past 10 days have given me lots of time to think about things and I've come to the conclusion that there must be better places out there where everything isn't an uphill struggle so I may have changed jobs by then \
  12. I know, its £850 and my boss won't get one as he reckons we'd only use it once a year..........so far this year we've changed the wheels on the 6810, 6910, 6420s and the Puma, all done by man handling them We do what we can with the tines but its not ideal. I did do a good percentage of it by myself as per usual, is it any wonder I get fed up there
  13. Been washing down the potato harvester, haulm topper and my tractor before swapping the wheels back to the full size ones on it. We really need to look into mechanising the wheel changing a bit more on safety grounds now, the back wheels are a bity on the large side to be manhandling safely on the Puma \
  14. Thought my ears were burning I've got one or two brochures on the Sceptre here, what is it you want to know about them?
  15. The state my potato harvester is in after my boss has been on it for the past 10 days while I've been ill........bent bits, cracked bits, gears with no left teeth on them, stars so full of mud they were like rollers.........its going to cost a small fortune to put right before next season now. Took me over two hours to wash it all down because of the amount of mud stuck in it
  16. Attacking just about every shrub in my garden with the pruners as we have the village bonfire party on one of our fields this year so I can get rid of it all. Was also going to go rabbit/fox bashing when the contractor came to do our maize today at work but as per usual he hasn't turned up when he said he would
  17. That'll probably be different then Sean, all 1800-2000 tons of our spuds are sold on an assured price contract which is usually higher than the free market price and takes a good proportion of risk out of the equation
  18. I'll see if I can find a few magnum shells just for that particular model ;D
  19. Can I bring my new shotgun please Barry, been wanting something to try it out on since I aquired it ;D
  20. I think Marky's had an interest in your buns for a long while so the chance to get his hands on them should get him there like a shot ;D
  21. You couldn't get it in there around all the hoses with one of them. Motor weighs around 25kg, the mounting plate about another 5kg, its the hoses and re-fitting the bolts that make it awkward
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