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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Thanks Sue, I'd hope that we could do it late morning at the moment but would know more nearer the time. Anyone else interested
  2. Well the farm in question still used the 6600 for several main tasks in 1997 despite having much newer tractors there as well. Does make me feel old though but you'll always be an old man compared to me ;D
  3. I do like that Ford, looks very accurate to me compared to Britains offerings in the past few years, it looks like they are on the up again. Will definately be at least one of those coming my way as the 6600 was the first "modern" tractor I drove when I started working on farms.
  4. Fitted a hydraulic ram kit to the markers on my bed-former after having the markers straightened at a local engineering firm. Had a chat with my boss two weeks ago about them as they were damn right dangerous to unfold, one slip and they landed on you, add to that the fact that they are bending when running with both of them down all the time due to the stresses put on them by dragging through the formed ridge on one side each time and he agreed to look into it. The Reekie dealer had a kit in stock, better still old stock at old stock prices so we had it. Should make my job easier and safer now I did pick the right time for the chat......just after a staff health and safety review meeting ;D
  5. A good ploughman would be able to get the headlands level without a hydraulic top link If you get the ins and outs right its easy to get a level headland, even on the short work or when not pulling out square to the headland. There's a much cheaper and easier way of getting the latter level with no need for hydraulic top links. They do have their place with the use of larger ploughs like Phill says or with sub-soilers in dry conditions but on a 4f plough I personally can't see the need for it.
  6. Because if one of them done that you would have no longer have anything left to moan about, well at least where combine models are concerned
  7. Been out pheasant shooting today at a charity day my old Young Farmers club hosted, we may not have shot many but it was an enjoyable day
  8. Ploughing this morning now the cows are off the field, normally plough the whole field before I plough the headlands but decided to make the most of a sharp frost and plough the two wet ones I'd finished turning on. This afternoon was spent in the classroom earning 10 NRoSO for this year with a spray operators update, at least it was in the warm.
  9. I have bad memories of Buster's puppy teeth as well, he managed to cut open my face just above my right eyebrow and puncture my cheek just below my right eye with his bottom fangs at the same time, I'd accidently made him jump! He also managed to eat half the right trainer of a brand new pair of Nike's......3 years on and he'll still eat anything given the chance but my footwear is now safe!
  10. Try somewhere like B&Q, I know my local one stocks it, its made by Plasti-Kote and comes in various different effects and colours. I have seen it on their website in the past too
  11. I'm currently in the early stages of trying to organise a visit for FTF members to The Coldham Estate near Wisbech in Cambridgeshire. Currently I'm hoping to be able to do this on Saturday the 31st of March 2012, this is the Saturday of the Spalding weekend so hopefully members from further away would be able to combine the two. Coldham Estate is part of The Co-operative Group and grows onions, potatoes, wheat, oilseed rape, sugarbeet and beans on several thousand acres. there is also a wind farm on the estate. The date is not set in stone yet and may be subject to change as it will be a busy time of year on the estate with the planting of onion sets and potatoes along with drilling onions and sugarbeet. At present I would like to know how many members would be interested in attending this to see if its going to be worth running and also to give the farm manager a rough idea of the numbers involved if thats the case.
  12. I've been assembling more beet harvester parts and started to paint them up ready to build up the models during the week after work. It's just easier to do the painting and componant part assembly at the weekends as I have more time
  13. That certainly does look very good Andy, Britains are really coming on leaps and bounds to where they have been in the past few years
  14. I had problems listing something last night, it took 4 attempts and 20 minutes to get the pictures loaded up so there's something not right with it again
  15. Been finishing off three beet harvester models before I go back to work tomorrow, one of which is long overdue going to its owner
  16. They actually re-baled a lot of it on a neighbouring estate to here last year, 20t and acre of straw is a lot to get rid of. It actually isn't very muddy at all when it comes off the carrot beds so is able to be reused if baled.
  17. You and Niels must be spending too much time together Chris, you're even sharing opinions now ;D Personal opinion is that if the cab is solid and it good condition it would be a shame to lose it to the scrap yard, especially if it was fitted to the tractor from the outset however if its got any rot in it or it was fitted at a later date I'd get shot of it and return the tractor to its original condition.
  18. The Stihl calender, like hens teeth to get hold of but worth it if you can
  19. He only does the school run as far as I know, its the "other" earnings he has that no one knows about from doing up cars and selling them
  20. Those balers do look good, our silage contractor was one of those testing the real pre production machines out in the past year, does seem strange to see a fabric tail door though.
  21. No offence taken as that comment of hers annoyed my family as well as thats more than I earn a month as well along with most members of our family. That doesn't include her partners earnings either as a bus driver or from selling cars so we really can't see why she's complaining
  22. The fact that we pay taxes to keep the lay abouts going bugs me too especially when my aunt who is younger than me (long story!) with two young kids and partner reckons that she can't survive on the £1700 a month benefits that she gets > Thats her rent paid, council tax paid and various childcare benefits, takes that pee slightly really
  23. I'm not surprised, they probably see you as a "golden goose" given that its very rare that you leave there yard with the same amount of money that you entered it with ;D
  24. Its a John Deere, you should expect to find faults on them these days ;D
  25. Very true Stan, hadn't thought of it like that ;D
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